Stepping into Love: A Step-Dad

Quinton TG
1 min readNov 18, 2023

In the role of step-dad, I strive to be,

A guiding light, a constant tree,

Rooted in love and patience too,

For the child I didn’t create but hold so true.

With every step, I learn to care,

To nurture, support, and always be there.

I’m not their father by blood or name,

But in my heart, they hold a cherished claim.

I’ll listen when they need to talk,

In their successes and fears, I’ll walk.

I’ll be a mentor, a friend, and a guide,

Through life’s ups and downs, side by side.

Though the path may sometimes seem unclear,

I’ll do my best to calm their fears.

I’ll lead with kindness, with understanding,

In this blended family life we’re expanding.

For love knows no bounds, it knows no end,

As a step-dad, I’ll cherish and defend.

The bonds we form, the memories we make,

In this journey together, for love’s sake.

So, I’ll embrace this role with all my heart,

With love and respect, we’ll make a fresh start.

For being a good step-dad, I’ll always strive,

In this beautiful journey of blended lives.



Quinton TG

Founder and Owner of Bamboo Village Books publishing house