What is a Sales Funnel?

7 min readSep 15, 2020

A Sales funnel is the process of turning people who have never heard of your business before into buyers. The word ‘funnel’ is used because when you map out a sales funnel on paper, the shape of it literally looks like a funnel.

You start with a cold unaware audience. These are people who have never heard of your business before. You want to make these people aware of your business.

They might find you organically through Google, or you could target them with advertising, and you will perhaps offer a freebie to entice them into signing up to your email list, which is known as a lead magnet.

Now obviously, not all the people you originally targeted will sign up for your offer, but some will and these people (your prospects) will move on to the next stage of the funnel.

In digital marketing, the next stage to this process is usually to ‘warm up’ your leads with a nurturing email sequence. This builds trust and familiarity with your potential customer as they get used to seeing you in their inbox and reading your (hopefully interesting) emails.

You should always provide lots of value in your emails so that they become excited and curious about opening the next one.

At the end of your email sequence, you will usually present your offer. Now that your subscriber knows, likes, and trusts you, they are more likely to make a purchase from you.

To create a sense of urgency you can put a deadline on your offer so that they have to purchase within a certain timeframe. You could also create a sense of scarcity- if they think that your product or offer is limited, they will also be more likely to take a leap and make the purchase.

FOMO is a powerful thing!

Once your buyers have made a purchase, you will want to continue nurturing the relationship. Ensure that they get the best experience out of whatever it is that they are buying and they will become fans of your brand.

Fans are likely to make future purchases next time you have an offer and are more likely to recommend you to their friends, resulting in even more sales.

The 5 Stages of a Sales Funnel

  1. Awareness — People who find you and become aware of your business, either organically or through advertising. Here you will offer a lead magnet in exchange for their email address.
  2. Interest — These are your leads — customers who found your lead magnet interesting enough to sign up with their email address.
  3. Decision — After receiving your email sequence, your prospects should be ready to make a decision. Do they want to buy your product or service or not?
  4. Action — Customers who have taken action and purchased your offering.
  5. Fan — The customers who have had a great experience with their purchase from you will become fans. They will buy from you again next time you have something to offer, and they will happily recommend you to friends and family.

Why Do You Need a Sales Funnel Builder?

Now that we’ve established what a sales funnel is, let’s talk about why you should invest in sales funnel builder software.

When people arrive on your website, they can browse, look around, maybe even add a product to their cart. But what’s stopping them just leaving without finishing their purchase? They can come back any time, right?

But will they?

On a regular website, there’s no urgency. No irresistible offer that the buyer HAS to have right now.

And this is why you need a sales funnel. It’s like having a sales team working for you 24/7 convincing your website visitors to make the purchase so they don’t miss out on your what is it you have to offer.

The beauty of using a sales funnel builder is that it takes all of the stress out of the process of creating an automated sales funnel.

Your sales funnel will run on autopilot, bringing in money and sales even while you sleep, leaving you to do the things you do best; running your business and creating new products and offers to sell.

It would you cost a lot in both money and time to build an automated sales funnel from scratch. It’s a complicated system that would be quite difficult for the average person to do, so being able to use a sales funnel builder for this process will make all of this easy.

The sales funnel builder connects all the necessary components of your sales process, from your advertising to your landing page, email sequence and even your website.

What to Look For When Choosing a Sales Funnel Builder

All of the Sales Funnel builders we are looking at today are slightly different, but there are a few features you might want to look out for when choosing which one is right for you and your business:

  • A/B split testing
  • Email automation
  • Membership capabilities
  • Drag and drop
  • Affiliate program
  • Shopping cart
  • Integrated videos
  • Webinar pages
  • CRM
  • Calendars and appointment booking

The Top 5 Best Sales Funnel Builders Reviewed

Using a Marketing Funnel Builder can help you to grow your sales on autopilot, bringing in sales effortlessly. Here are the top 5…


Clickfunnels is an all in one website and sales funnel builder which helps entrepreneurs convert their web visitors into leads, and then turn them into paying customers.

The founder of click funnel, Russell Brunson, is known as one of the best marketer in the world and has perfected the sales funnel process focussing heavily on buyer psychology.

Key Features of Convertri

  • Easy’ click and drag’ funnel builder
  • Advanced sales page editor
  • Countdown timers
  • Background video
  • Huge font selection
  • Easy video embed
  • Video autoplay
  • Facebook comments
  • Easy snap lines and precise positioning
  • Automatically optimizes images for lightning fast page loading
  • Form validation
  • Custom CSS and HTML if required
  • Exit intent feature
  • Integrated shopping cart
  • Testing and analytics

Key Features of ClickFunnels

  • Drag and drop page visual editor
  • Smart shopping cart with 1 click upsell
  • Email and Facebook marketing automation
  • Easy to use dashboard
  • Mobile optimized
  • Split testing
  • Follow up funnels
  • Build membership websites
  • Enable memberships with drip content
  • Retargeting push messenger
  • BackPack affiliate program
  • Smart email analytics
  • Analytics and tracking tools
  • Email list segmentation
  • SEO management
  • CRM and email autoresponder

The Benefits of Using ClickFunnels

Clickfunnels is a drag and drop website and funnel builder, which gives you everything you need to build a website and funnel. Absolutely no knowledge of coding is required, and you can have a fully automated website and sales funnel up and running in a matter of hours.

Your Clickfunnels website will guide your buyers through the sales process and give you the option to upsell to them on the way. You can also follow up with visitors after they have left your website, so you don’t miss out on any opportunities to make a sale.

A Clickfunnels sales funnel can be used to generate leads for your business, sell products, memberships, tickets, services and more. There are 22 different funnel templates for you to choose from, so there will be a funnel for you no matter what your business type is.

One of the great things about Clickfunnels is that you can use affiliates to help you sell your products, with the Clickfunnels BackPack affiliate program, which allows you to add an affiliate program to any of your products, and enables you to track conversions.

When you use Clickfunnels you will not need any other software. In fact, you can get rid of your shopping cart website, email, hosting, affiliate software, photoshop, and much more, because Clickfunnels has everything you need.

Clickfunnels has two subscription options, the first is $97 per month, which gives you access to 20 funnels and 100 landing pages, and the second is $297 per month, which gives you unlimited funnels, landing pages, and traffic. This is an amazing value when you consider all the money you will save on other software and hosting once you are using Clickfunnels.

There is a free 14-day trial, so you can give it a go before you commit to a monthly plan. There is no obligation, and you can cancel your trial at any time from within the dashboard.

The Downsides of Using ClickFunnels

Not all features are available on the basic plan, such as affiliates and email marketing, which would mean you either have to use another email campaign provider or hop straight to the $297 plan.

Some say that the pricing of click funnel is quite expensive, especially as you may not make money straight away if it takes a while to get your funnel perfect.

However, you really have to consider all of the money you will be saving on other software you will no longer need once you are using click funnels. It’s also quite difficult to contact customer support, but there are forums you can ask questions in if you need help.

FAQs about ClickFunnels

Do I need to install additional software to use ClickFunnels?

No. ClickFunnels is a cloud-based software so you do not need to use other software. You can access and use your ClickFunnels account from anywhere at any time, from any device.

Is It safe to use ClickFunnels?

Yes. Because ClickFunnels is a cloud software, all security measures are done automatically so you don’t have to worry about doing any security measures yourself.

Will I lose my ClickFunnels data if I cancel my subscription?

You can download all of your data if you want to take it elsewhere before you choose to cancel your subscription. You also have to option ‘pause’ your account if you want to take a break which will keep your data waiting for you when your return. Additionally, you can cancel your ClickFunnells account by just going in your account settings and clicking on the ‘Cancel my account’ button and that’s it.

