Robert Moore
2 min readOct 12, 2017


Hey veteran here(22 months in Iraq and Afghanistan). I am normally humble in my service and only bring it up as relevance to this writing.

You are wrong brother. Professional football is a service/entertainment service provided to customers by the NFL of which are contracted to provide a performance to an audience for monetary gain. The only difference between a waitress at Denny’s or a beer vendor at the stadium is the player’s privilege and access to a large audience. Privilege by virtue of opportunity, natural ability and finance. Finance being the big one as unlike the waitress and the vendor who really need a income; the NFL player can move on; he has an education and money. (“ some can not afford the high price of a public opinion”) Is the players opinion more important than anyone else and does this privilege extend to a public venue for their grievances and political beliefs? This is by definition privilege and I doubt you or anyone else would support a regular working class Animal Rights restaurant short order cook discussing that chicken embryo you are having for breakfast.

The WBC is not in the entertainment industry and if they were; they would have been removed on an outpouring public wrath. Hey ask Paula Deen and those twin fellas that flipped houses on HGTV if you don’t believe me. Should be noted that both of these shows were cancelled after perceived political character flaws were made public and not demonstrated or endorsed on the entertainment medium.

I was green too brother and now as a civilian I can choose who I fight for. If I choose a free speech fight I am going to be fighting just as hard for that waitress at Waffle House who is professional enough to perform her service and when she gets home to enjoy a sporting event that she is paying hard earned money to enjoy. Her opinion, your opinion and my opinion are equal and by virtue of privilege of profession and venue access should not be treated with greater importance.

Hey just like that waitress I can choose and I shall not be dining at the NFL any longer.

Take care and stay safe

