What Does Prickly Pear Oil Do For Your Skin? Find Out Here

4 min readSep 26, 2022


Prickly pear cacti produce a special oil that is highly moisturizing and deeply penetrating. This characteristic makes it ideal for skincare products. As we all know, dry skin can become flaky, rough, and cracked as the outer layer of cells becomes exposed; this is also known as xerosis. Dryness can also lead to cracking and scaling of the skin. Prickly pear oil addresses these issues with its moisturizing properties. It is a natural humectant that draws moisture from the air into the outer layers of skin where it can be effectively absorbed by cells. Lacking fatty acids such as oleic acid or linoleic acid, it does not have an effective lipid content for barrier repair and protection against environmental stressors like humidity, wind, or ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This means it cannot substitute for other beneficial oils when used topically from an anti-aging point of view. However, once in its natural environment on your skin as opposed to being extracted out of the plant for use in skincare products, its benefits are immense. How? Read on to find out more about what prickly pear oil does for your skin and how to incorporate it into your routine.

What is Prickly Pear Oil?

Prickly pear cactus produces a special type of oil with natural anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil is rich in antioxidants such as licorice, sabin, and taraxacum, which help reduce the visible signs of aging, inflammation, and acne. Lipids in the oil include squalene, oleic, and stearic acids that promote scaling and sebum production (that is, natural oil secretion), which make it ideal for dry, acne-prone skin. For a detailed description of how prickly pear cactus oil is made, read on.

How is Prickly Pear Oil Made?

Prickly pear oil is obtained from the fruit of the cactus by a process of cold pressing. This process is done to extract the oil, which otherwise would naturally evaporate too quickly from fresh fruit. The seeds are not suitable for oil extraction as the oil within them is too thick and viscous to be extracted. Instead, the fleshy parts of the cactus plant are crushed and the oil extracted from the seeds. The process of crushing the plant parts is known as “retting” and is important for both the extraction of the oil and the generation of a suitable environment for the microbes to convert the squalene in the oil into squalene-dissolved-in-water antioxidant-rich-lipid-rich-oil (SDACK).

Benefits of Prickly Pear Oil for Skin Care

- Anti-aging: Prickly pear oil has proven to be effective in reducing the visible signs of skin aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet. It is rich in antioxidants like licorice, sabin, and taraxacum, which help protect the skin against oxidative damage and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

- Anti-inflammatory: Prickly pear oil is rich in squalene and oleic acid, which have proven to be effective in reducing inflammation and redness. Squalene is an antioxidant against UV damage, while oleic acid is a natural lipid that promotes sebum production.

- Natural Barrier Repair: Prickly pear oil contains antioxidants like licorice, sabin, and taraxacum. These components work well in restoring the skin’s natural barrier and protecting against environmental stressors like humidity, wind, and UV radiation.

- Yeast Reduction: Yeast overgrowth can be a common issue for people with oily or acne-prone skin. Prickly pear oil can be used to reduce the amount of excess yeast in the skin.

Limitations of Prickly Pear Oil for Skin Care

- Lack of Potent Antioxidants: Unlike many healthy oils, prickly pear oil is not rich in potent antioxidants like vitamin A or E. While it is a good anti-inflammatory and anti-aging oil, it cannot be used as a replacement for those vitamins.

- High Humectant Content: Prickly pear oil is a high-humectant oil that draws moisture out of the air and into the outer layer of your skin, where it can be effectively absorbed by cells. However, it lacks lipid content, making it less effective for barrier repair, and it could cause excessive dryness for those with sensitive skin.

- Not Suitable for Sensitive Skin: It is not advisable to use prickly pear oil on sensitive skin, as it is a high-humectant oil with very little lipid content.

Final Words

Once you try prickly pear cactus oil for yourself, you will be more than convinced of its benefits. The oil is rich in antioxidants and has a moisturizing effect on dry skin. It is also non-irritating, so it is perfect for sensitive skin types. Prickly pear cactus oil is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin, acne-prone skin, and sensitive skin. It is gentle and non-irritating, making it an ideal moisturizer for anyone. Furthermore, it can be used as an alternative to standard moisturizers as it is not only rich in antioxidants, but also has a high level of humectant content, making it a perfect moisturizer for all skin types. Now that you know what prickly pear cactus oil is, how it’s made, and what it can do for your skin, it’s time to put it to use! From mixing it into homemade moisturizers and face masks to applying it directly to your skin, this prickly pear cactus oil guide will show you exactly how to incorporate this powerful oil into your skincare routine.




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