What is video marketing?

Victor Stecenko
7 min readFeb 13, 2023

In this article, we will help you understand the question: video marketing — what it is and how it helps increase sales.

To get ahead of the competition and attract more consumers, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of all the changes in digital promotion and Internet marketing. The tools that helped attract your audience just a couple of months ago may not be effective today, and you’ll be wasting your budget. Constant search for new solutions, regular testing will help you to understand whether the chosen strategy is correct, or requires fine-tuning. Therefore, let’s consider the most trendy way to promote products and services — video content.

Video marketing: what for and who needs it?

So, once again let’s define the term “video marketing”, in case your ideas do not quite match the reality. It’s a way of communicating with users using videos that promote a particular company’s product or service.

Why are videos more popular than other types of content? The answer is simple: information in this form is absorbed better. The consumer gets the illusion of live communication, your company is not just a set of goods with favorable prices, but the real people providing services or selling products. In addition, such videos can be creative or viral, which will be aimed at attracting a huge amount of audience.

Let’s turn to statistics. According to HubSpot 54% of users prefer watching videos to other types of content. And that number will grow steadily because of the high popularity of social media. According to the same marketing platform, videos on a landing page help increase conversion rates by about 80% and email open rates by up to 19% when sending out emails. About 90% of consumers surveyed responded that watching videos was what helped them make the decision to make a purchase.

And video content in social networks in stories and posts gives more coverage and likes than just a picture with text accompaniment. Such a move works great for a blog, because many videos can enhance the text to make it more interesting for your audience to follow the updates.

High-quality video content is necessary for any business niche. Although many may argue that you can offer the consumer something interesting if you produce canned meat. This can be a video, where you show how your product is made, under what conditions, to convince the customer that he will get not only a quality product, but also safe. The main thing is that the topic should be as “hot” and relevant as possible.

Where can I use videos?

If you have a website, you can put videos presenting your products and services on your web pages. The video-FAQ, which gives answers to the most popular questions, is well-received. Filling the site with useful videos promotes customer loyalty.

Your channel on Youtube will “bring” customers if the information is relevant and catchy. This video hosting gives a huge set of tools for the successful promotion of your brand: promoting videos by keywords with titles, the ability to insert a link to your resource, you can create an interactive and so on. In general, this service is one of the effective tools to promote your brand in the market.

Email newsletter becomes much more effective and readable if there is the word “video” in the subject line. It can be a free lesson, a new product presentation or an invitation to a master class — there are a lot of options to attract more audience.

Many companies who are trying to interest a client during a face-to-face meeting, show them videos of their professional achievements and so on. This method also works great during speeches in front of an audience.

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Videos: what forms can video content come in?

Creating video content for business will only be beneficial if you put a budget into it. Of course, you can make a video with the help of free online programs, or record it on your smartphone. But, in this case, you can face the problem of audience distrust: “If the company doesn’t have the money to record a quality video, how can they provide a good product?” “Homemade” videos from the phone are good if they are something creative or, say, a live broadcast from a production shop, an event, and so on.

There are several types of basic video marketing tools that you can use to promote your product, promote your site and increase brand loyalty:

  • A presentation or business card. You need to think of a script with the main parts: the beginning, disclosure of the problem, solutions and conclusions. To make the video “lively” and interesting, insert examples from personal practice, answers to the most popular questions. In addition, the video should be a call to action. This is usually a serious video, with graphics, voicing the pros and cons.
  • Trailer of the new product. Its main task is to draw potential customers’ attention even before the sales start. Such videos are very emotional and creative. Many create viral videos to interest the audience. Such a tool is still quite “green” and few use it, although its effectiveness has long been tested and confirmed.
  • Advertising. Here everything is clear. The main purpose — to paint all the advantages of the product so that they want to buy it.
  • Instruction. Many people have faced the problem when you need to build something that looks like a construction set, but the instruction is written in an “incomprehensible language”. That’s why there are a lot of homemade videos on Youtube, such as “How to assemble a playpen?” and so on. Create a video instruction on how to use your product, how to assemble and disassemble it. That’s extra customer care and a plus 10 to your karma. Also, this tool works great if a brand new product is introduced to the market that few people have dealt with.
  • Video message in an email. Gmail lets you insert a video into the body of your email. But you can view it only from Google Mail. It’s not a bad way to attract audience’s attention and increase their loyalty. Video can contain holiday greetings, an invitation to a master class or a creative ad for a new product. Special services can be found online to brand your video message.
  • Recording a training lesson. If your company is engaged in customer education, a video clip like this will help “hook” the consumer and motivate them to buy a course or sign up for classes.
  • Blog. Video blogs became very popular, they are interesting to watch (if, of course, the topics are chosen correctly) and they create the illusion of live communication. Creation of video clips for business is a great chance to promote your brand. In addition, if you promote your blog, you can get extra income from advertising, which will be shown on your channel. Here you also need a professional approach because if you have a serious firm, the recorded from the phone videos will obviously cause distrust among your customers.
  • Video site. Creating a video for such a large-scale project requires a lot of time and effort, but the effect is stunning. The visitor can see not just a page full of text and pictures, but the whole excursion. For such resources — the future. The conversion of such sites is high — and this is logical, because now most users do not want to waste time on clicking and reading.
  • Customer feedback. Most people, before ordering something or using a company’s services, take a long time to study reviews. Reviews in video format work very cool. They can be in the form of a short interview: the client tells what his problem was, what tasks he set for the performer, and what happened in the end. All the information can be combined to create a case study.

How to create a creative and interesting video?

The main goal of any company, besides sales, is to get ahead of your competitors. Therefore, if you have started to implement video marketing, you can already leave behind many “competitors” in the market. But to do it qualitatively, we offer a short instruction:

  • A video for your website or your channel should be emotional. It is not necessary to hire a professional actor for this position, choose an employee from your team with a pleasant tone of voice and artistic enough to make it interesting to watch;
  • Content should be regular. To do this, create a clear publishing plan so your audience knows exactly when to expect the next broadcast. It is better to post new videos at least once a week;
  • Decide on the timing. A review of a new product or presentation of a service should not take too much time, otherwise the consumer will simply get tired of listening to all the benefits. As a rule, such videos take a maximum of 7 minutes. But the webinar, on the contrary, should be longer — about 40–50 minutes. Hardly anyone wants to spend more time, even if the topic is very interesting and “hot”. So when writing a script, stick to the time limit;
  • Learn from popular bloggers. Exactly these people have comprehended all secrets of attraction and retention of audience. So don’t forget to subscribe to their channels.

Filling your site with quality video content is a powerful tool for attracting customers as well as increasing sales. Don’t neglect it if you want to promote your brand and stand out among your competitors.

Source: https://www.bondarsvideo.com

