BOND Film Platform Integrates with Bancor Protocol to Provide Continuous Liquidity to Token Holders

Bond Film Platform
3 min readMar 11, 2018


BOND Film Platform — the first blockchain-based video streaming platform for filmmakers and video bloggers has announced a collaboration with Bancor to provide continuous decentralized liquidity for Bond Token (BFP). The agreement was signed in February 2018 in San-Francisco.

BOND is a decentralized video streaming platform which allows filmmakers and video bloggers to monetize their works and to run crowdinvesting campaigns where users can become co-owners in produced video content. On BOND, anyone can invest in video content and make revenues while supporting their favourite creators.

The integration with the Bancor Network will allow for the instant conversion of BFP tokens into any other token on the Bancor Network. BFP will be purchasable and sellable for any other token on the network, including Ether (ETH), BNT (the Bancor Network Token), GNO (Gnosis), BNB (Binance Token) and a long list of announced projects soon to be activated. The conversion takes place at formulaically calculated rates, directly through popular Web3 wallets.

BOND will complete the integration with the Bancor Protocol 3 weeks after the conclusion of the BFP token sale. BOND will be allocating 2% of BFP tokens to a Bancor-compatible Relay Token. The integration with Bancor will expand Bond Token capabilities in terms of the conversion and functionality of crypto assets.

According to BOND CEO Vladimir Lobak: “Our mission is to create a sustainable and decentralized business model which will give the video content creators and the audiences power over content production and a fair share of revenues. That is why we are delighted to announce we will be joining the Bancor Network and give Bond Token greater and more convenient liquidity“.

About BOND

BOND is a decentralized film and video streaming platform. The platform’s mission is to create a new economic model for the film and video industry without the middlemen.

BOND enables creators to receive direct revenues from user subscriptions and run crowdinvesting campaigns for their upcoming projects. BOND is utilizing Blockchain and Smart Contracts to automate revenues distribution and to store content ownership in decentralized, transparent and secure network.

BOND’s game changing Content Ownership Token makes it possible to trade shares in video and film content on the open market. Our vision is to ensure growth and diversity of the film and video content market by allowing the audiences to choose directly which content should be produced and to earn money together with the creators they love.

About Bancor

Bancor Protocol is a standard for the creation of Smart Tokens™, cryptocurrencies with built-in convertibility directly through their smart contracts. Bancor utilizes an innovative token “Connector” method to enable formulaic price calculation and continuous liquidity for all compliant tokens, without needing to match two parties in an exchange. Smart Tokens interconnect to form token liquidity networks, allowing user-generated cryptocurrencies to thrive. For more information, visit the website and read the Bancor Protocol white paper.



Bond Film Platform is a decentralized video streaming service and crowdinvesting platform for the new Film and Video Industry, based on cryptocurrency economy.