Snacks for Building Muscle

Bones to Bulk
2 min readMar 9, 2020


So you are trying to eat healthier. You’ve been doing pretty good with your meals, but those snacks keep calling your name from the other room. The candy bowl at work is staring you down. The donut box in the break room is laughing at you.

There are so many snacks that are addicting, and snacking can really trip us up. Initially snacks don’t seem like they can wreck our fitness goals, because after all it’s just a snack. But what happens when we are snacking on something unhealthy before lunch, then before dinner, then after dinner. That all adds up. And it can have some very negative effects long-term.

The small things are extremely important and often those are the ones we look over the most. But those small moments of choosing to grab some hummus rather than a cookie, or grabbing some peanut butter and toast rather than that candy bar.

So focus on those small things. Choose one thing this week to give up and focus only on that. Then add something to that next week. Those small steps are what get us to our destination.

Check out the video below for more tips on how to snack healthy.

Find more at Bones to Bulk.



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