Bones Unburied: A New NFT Collection Celebrating Diversity of Human Culture

Bones Unburied
2 min readSep 19, 2023


Discover the rich and diverse world of human culture through the Bones Unburied NFT collection. Inspired by the backstory of Jack “Bones” Jones, a mysterious figure who lived in London and was known for his love of dressing up as different historical and cultural figures, the Bones Unburied NFTs transport you to different times and places, and introduce you to new cultures and perspectives.

The Bones Unburied NFT collection is a new and unique project that celebrates the richness and diversity of human culture. Inspired by the backstory of Jack “Bones” Jones, a mysterious figure who lived in London and was known for his love of dressing up as different historical and cultural figures, the Bones Unburied NFTs transport people to different times and places, and introduce them to new cultures and perspectives.

The collection features a variety of NFTs, each of which represents a different character or artifact from a different historical period or culture. For example, there are NFTs of Roman soldiers, Egyptian pharaohs, Japanese samurai, and Indian chiefs. There are also NFTs of ancient artifacts, such as mummies, battle gear, kimonos, and headdresses.

In addition to being fun and engaging collectibles, the Bones Unburied NFTs are also designed to be educational. Each NFT is accompanied by educational materials and resources that provide more information about the character or artifact it represents. This makes the Bones Unburied collection a great way for people to learn about history and culture in a new and exciting way.

The Bones Unburied collection is also intended to be a community-driven project. The creators of the collection are committed to working with the community to shape the future of the project and to ensure that it is inclusive and welcoming to everyone. This is evident in the fact that the creators plan to host a number of community events, such as Twitter Spaces Q&A sessions and art contests.

Overall, the Bones Unburied NFT collection is a unique and innovative project that celebrates culture, educates, and builds community. It is a collection that is sure to appeal to a wide range of people, from NFT enthusiasts to history buffs to anyone who simply enjoys learning about new cultures.

If you are interested in learning more about the Bones Unburied NFT collection, be sure to visit our website or follow us on Twitter.



Bones Unburied

Bones Unburied unveils unique NFT art collection featuring Jack ’Bones’ Jones, immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind NFT art collection from Bones Unburied.