A Who’s Who of AppCoins

5 min readNov 30, 2017


On some inherent level, we all know that execution trumps ideas.

It’s quite likely that you know someone who is successful at most things they try. Likewise, you have probably met someone who seems to be unable to get even the best ideas off the ground.

Cafes and restaurants are notoriously bad business models, while, drop shipping is conversely known to be one of the leanest, lowest risk models available. Yet, some manage to perform extremely well in the cafe business, while others fail at drop shipping.

This is the reason why many venture capitalists will generally put their money behind an individual or team that have a basic idea, but excellent track record. The same investors would be unlikely to fund someone with a great idea, that also has a poor performance history.

As you will no doubt already know, AppCoins is built upon a simple, yet brilliant idea with the intent of revolutionising the app development industry.

Here’s why that idea is likely to succeed.

It All Starts With an Idea

When considering the quality of an idea’s execution and running, it of course makes sense to look at the founders and the executive team.

As CEO and Founder, Paul Trezentos is the man to be put under the microscope. As the CEO of Aptoide, the parent company to AppCoins, Paul has an impressive resume just by the single fact that he heads this multi-million dollar Android app store.

Aptoide was ranked as one of the top 3 app stores in 2015 and had at the time, a staggering user count of 97 million.

Looking beyond his current role where he raised more than $4million in funding for, Paul’s history is just as impressive. Holding both a MsC and PhD in computer science, Paul has also worked as an assistant professor for ISCTE, the institution where he originally studied.

Paul is quite clearly a very accomplished academic, and he has demonstrated that he is also a very astute business operator.

As COO and Founder, Alvaro Pinto is actually a qualified lawyer. While this may seem as though it would be convenient when dealing with the legal aspect of business, Alvaro has demonstrated himself as a well rounded Polymath whose technical knowledge and business acumen is the driving force behind his involvement in Aptoide, not his background in law.

Many of the startup greats, whose software and businesses have impacted our world got their start in open source software. Names such as Matt Mullenweg who created Wordpress, powering over 30% of the internet, and Linus Torvalds who created Linux which now powers an a staggering amount of the world’s web servers and their associated software. Of the world’s top 25 websites, according their Alexa rank, only two are not powered by Linux. These just happen to be the only two owned by Microsoft; a competitor to Linux.

Alvaro Pinto is a part of that same club, as he was the president of the Association of Portuguese Open Source Software Companies. While he is certainly not at the same level as Matt Mullenweg, Pinto is once again showing that he has the same interest, drive and passion for technology.

200 Million Existing Users

Aptoide, as one of the world’s leading Android app stores, clearly has a large and active user base.

With users currently exceeding a gargantuan 200 million, AppCoins is one of the few startups in the world to have so many existing users.

Honing, Crafting and Refining

With a solid, worthwhile idea, the next step is to refine and package it into something that has the potential to be a successful business.

AppCoins has an extensive list of highly qualified advisors which includes several names worth of mention:

Ryan Terribilini has previously worked at Google where he was involved in the Android team’s work in making the Google Nexus phone a reality.

He has sinced move on to Ripple, as the head of developer relations where the team are currently making waves on how payment processing is handled all around the world.

Ryan also holds bachelors and Masters degrees.

Adam Stradling is a co-owner of bitcoin.com, which is known as one of the leading suppliers of both bitcoin and informational products relating to the cryptocurrency.

Adam is also a recognised online personality for staying updated in cryptocurrency news as well as general fin-tech.

The Proving ground

So we have an idea, the team who started it and a group of experts who have helped shape it.

Now it’s time to see if someone at arm’s length thinks it’s worthwhile.

It’s very easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new project, and many of the people involved will be subject to cognitive biases. The real test then comes from whether an impartial, unbiased judge is willing to put in the money required to get the project up and running.

As it turns out: They were.

Gobi Ventures are one of the venture capital firms who clearly thought that all the above names and personalities were worthy of investment.

Gobi’s portfolio includes many of the leading media and tech companies across Asia and they have more than 6 fully staffed offices around the globe.

Golden Gate Ventures are also on the list of suitably qualified companies to put their substantial backing behind AppCoins.

Golden Gate and it’s founders have seen some of the companies they have invested in bought by the likes of Facebook and Singtel.

Portugal Ventures are also another indication that not only is Aptoide and AppCoins considered to be a worthwhile investment choice, but an encouraging display of support from the founder’s home country.

With so many experienced and educated voices shouting their praise of AppCoins, should you be next?

Disclaimer: Statements in this article do not represent the views or policies of anyone other than myself. The information on this site is provided for discussion purposes only, and are not investing recommendations. Under no circumstances does this information represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities.




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