How to Set up Vue.js with Phoenix 1.4

Bonfire Algorithm
2 min readNov 5, 2019


Start by creating a new Phoenix project. We use the --no-ecto flag here, since we don’t need a database for the example.

$ mix vue_example --no-ecto

Then cd into the new projects assets directory and install the dependencies we need:

$ cd vue_example/assets
$ npm install vue vue-loader vue-template-compiler --save-dev

Phoenix comes preconfigured with Webpack, so all we need to do is modify the file assets/webpack.config.js

First, include the VueLoaderPlugin in the list of imports:

const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader');

Next, in the list of rules, add a rule for vue files:

test: /\.vue$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: 'vue-loader',

Lastly, add the VueLoader plugin in the list of plugins:

plugins: [
new VueLoaderPlugin()

The finished file should look something like this:

Now create a folder assets/js/components. We’ll put our Vue components here. Create a file Message.vue in this folder:

We now need to import this component in assets/js/app.js. Add the following lines to the end of this file:

Now all that’s left is display this in a HTML template. Replace the contents of lib/vue_example_web/templates/page/index.html.eexwith this:

<div id="hello"></div>

That’s it. Start the server (mix phx.server) and go to http://localhost:4000, and you should see a button provided by Vue.

