Hemingway’s “Cat in the Rain” Analysis

Bonnie Chen
2 min readFeb 14, 2022


Photo: 500px.com

The Symbol of “Cat”

“Cat” symbolizes the wife’s situation. Cats intend staying in dry places instead of wet ones just like that she desires for a happy marriage instead of a loveless one.

According to this text, she wanted to get the kitty which tried to keep dry under a table in the rain. It indicates that the kitty’s poor state reflects her own feelings of loneliness and helpless. The hotel-keeper not only showed his respect and concern for her but also sent the maid to held the umbrella over her. As a result, she found a girl inside her. It implies that close contact and connection can make her life happier. In addition, she wants to have a kitty to sit on her lap and purr when she strokes her. It means her longing for an intimate relationship. Finally, she had a cat which the hotel-keeper brought for her. It seems to me that she regained enthusiasm for life when she got a cat. Moreover, the hotel-keeper and she might probably keep in touch for a while after George and she return to America.

The Significance of Rain

“Rain" refer to the wife’s loveless marriage to George.

The supporting details:

(1) It was raining. The scenery became miserable. In addition, the wife noticed a kitty trying to keep dry under a table. It means she began to be aware of her marriage that brought the feeling of loneliness and helpless.

(2) It was raining harder. The wife still went out to get the kitty. It implies the wife realized she was not happy with her marriage and had to pursue something she loved.

(3) It was quite dark now and still raining in the palm trees. The wife said, “I want a cat now.” It indicates the wife had accepted the fact that she couldn’t change the relationship to make it better. On the other hand, she had decided to embrace the things that made her happy in life.

The Function of This Paragraph: “In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel. Artists liked the way the palms grew and the bright colors of the hotels facing the gardens and the sea.”

“The place will be lively if it’s a sunny day” indicates the wife will live a fun life if she has a satisfying relationship.

The supporting details:

(1) Artists only appear when the weather is fine. When it’s raining, there is no one there.

(2) Compare palm trees in the rain with palm trees on the sunny day and you’ll see the effect of rainy weather.

(3) In contrast with the bright colors of the hotels facing the gardens and the sea, the colors of the rainy scenery seems dark.



Bonnie Chen

Girl from Taiwan and International B2B Marketing Personnel. English language lover who is introverted. Always view the world through an artist's eyes.