The Creativity Well

Those Pangs of First Love

Bonnie L. Boucek
3 min readApr 3, 2023

April 02, 2023 — Poem a Day: a B-movie Poem

Photos by Neven Krcmarek and Alexis Brown on Unsplash

Not Your Stereotypical Teenage Love Story

The moon hung low in the sky
and was brighter than the welder’s
arc my daddy used to use. The air
was chilly. Like the deep freezer

at Mo’s Butcher’s Shop. Tommy Joe
swaggered down the street. His cronies
Kenny and Lennie are on either side. Three
teenage boys playing grown men

on a Saturday night — big men from
college school. Linda Lou pretend
to swoon as he walked by. Tonya shook
her head and yelled, “Woah! Wait.”

Looking around she realized everyone
stopped — eerie silence descended on the
street. She visibly gulped, took a breath,
and began to sing — off-key:

Who do you think you are swinging those hips?
What’s up with the blinking of your eyes?
When are ya gonna stop all your lies?
How can I convince you not to trust those lips?



Bonnie L. Boucek

Inspired by life’s experiences, she became an Author, Fibromyalgia Creative Coach, Poet, Visionary