1 min readJun 20, 2024

why good people went to heaven first.

Photo by Vita Leonis on Unsplash

They say: “The world is cruel", which is true.

Some sees the world as a blessing, because you had the chance to live, breathe, and dream. While I see world as a punishment, for us that we must suffer from hatred, shamed, harshness from being alive.

Some says “why do good people went to heaven early" maybe because they are good people and the suffering must end also? The world is so complex, you will see negativity from the positivity. Maybe good people go to heaven early because Heaven is a place for good people and no suffering. Some also says “They were a bad person, why are they still alive?” Maybe because the world is a punishment, if we dont change; we will continue to suffer from living.

Living is so exhausting, its like running through an endless empty path. We live to work ourselves to get what we need. Like we are running and catching our breathes, as we cannot stop until we get what we wanted.

I wasnt even a good person to begin with, maybe thats why Im still here. Breathing, as I must suffer from the harshness of the society, the world.


Write what I could think of. Its not the best, ill do better as the time goes by. Please be there as I kept writing ;)))