Muslims Will Not Forget ‘Betrayal’ of Certain States

Bonyana Magazine ✅
3 min readApr 17, 2018


Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani on Sunday described as an act of “betrayal” the silence of certain Islamic countries toward a tripartite missile attack on Syria and expressions of support by some others.

Addressing an open session of parliament, Larijani said some Islamic states happily stood by the U.S., France and Britain in their missile attack on Syria.

“Is it not ignominious and shameful for them that on the day of Maba’ath which is the day of Muslim unity, these countries stood with the leaders of blasphemy and the Zionists and declared their betrayal with great joy?” the speaker asked.

Maba’ath marks the descent of Allah’s divine commandment through Archangel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), formally entrusting him the universal mission of Islam. Muslims mark the event with prayers and supplication to the Almighty as thanksgiving.

Saudi Arabia, along with Bahrain and Qatar, were among a few Muslim countries which joined the occupying regime of Israel and the West to express full support for the strikes on Syria.

Larijani said some Muslim countries claim to be supporters of Muslim unity and human rights, but behind the scenes they support terrorists and make their resources available to aggressors to target Muslim nations.

“The Iranian parliament condemns this brutal and illegal attack, and announces to these three countries and the contemptible countries supporting them that gone are the days of such false postures, and such savage acts will only shed light on the path where supporters of terrorism and hypocrites are treading,” said Larijani.

Saudi Arabia is fresh from a slew of deals that came out of the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s visit to the U.S. earlier this month and those signed during Trump’s visit to the kingdom last May.

Larijani said such attacks will only further strengthen the Syrian nation’s resolve to wipe out terrorists.

“Over the past 6–7 years, such adventurist moves have always existed but they have failed each and every time. However, the betrayal of certain Muslim countries in such a dirty game of politics will be etched in the memory of faithful masses.”

The U.S.-led military action, he said, begs the question why the three countries launched the attack, after all.

“These three countries claim that the Syrian government used chemical arms days ago, and that Syria managed to drive terrorists from the outskirts of Damascus thanks to these very weapons,” he said.

“However, the Syrian and Russian governments have denied the allegation and called on international circles to look into the case.”

Larijani said the military action was taken hastily without first waiting for the results of a possible probe to be published.

The “chemical attack” scenario, he said, was just a pretext to launch the missile attack, and the main reason behind the military action was the latest developments on the ground in Syria.

“The area around Damascus had been a den of terrorists for years with the help of major countries and some rogue regional states. They would fuel insecurity in Damascus with modern weapons,” said Larijani.

“What the Syrian army did recently was to purge the area, something that state sponsors of terrorists wouldn’t believe could materialize in a short period of time. So, the Saudis shamelessly made their resources available to the Americans and urged them to bombard Syria, believing they would be able to change the equation and re-establish the terrorists’ safe haven,” he said.

“That they think they can achieve their objectives with such a brutal and illegal act is just s mirage,” Larijani added.


