Neil Gaiman’s Lady Justice By C.J. Henderson

Book Wayfarer
2 min readAug 5, 2023


A shipment of something is being remedied with guns, meanwhile someone else is close to death, he apparently a bro to 1 of the rescuers, a sis being referenced, whom’d hopefully keep her shit together. The ambulance driver makes sure the hospital gets the rare blood type needed ready for this guy’s survival, AB negative. As they reach hospital, men with weapons and face masks are after the blood store, 1 guy shooting a nurse to show he’s serious, and as the cops learn of the murder heist, they see the men packing the blood into a van. Then a doc visits a lady at home whom is bedridden and sleeping, her parents and herself in a horrible accident which had her lose the use of her legs, along with her parents lives.

As they talk outside the room, the girl’s cat is keeping closer company these days. Then, an unknown voice speaks of whether she wanted to avenge her fam., like the Crow, she waking and scaring kitty. Janie is then seen in her wheelchair at her bros viewing, she not going to their coffins, til the 4rd day. This is where she discovers a length of cloth held in her 2nd bros hand, she then shown in her room with the cloth and the voice asking if she’s accepted her role, putting it over her eyes blind-fold-style, then being able to walk, and upon listening to the voice tell her to approach her mirror, Lady Justice informs they were 1.

Now they could get justice for her bro, Lady Justice able to help remind Janie who was responsible and tracking 1 down and beating him up to show she meant bidness, getting the info she needed, getting to her bro’s gunman and he being an arrogant prick, not ready to own up to his punishment, and attempting to bind her to fulfill his bondage fantasy, she throwing his ass across the room with her legs. She then schools him good by kicking and punching a hole in his tum, this being enough for the fool to call Uncle and wanting to go to jail, but his justice not including ‘Merica’s system. She punches a few holes into him, perhaps tap-dancing, what with her ballet background, justice now served. …And the story continues, but for me, shall most likely end here. Good and violent, but this was a freebie comic and my interest was more with Gaiman, even though he didn’t write this and it was only based off a concept. Regardless of she being a bad ass super heroine, she’s well worth the intro issue in the way of violence being met and handed properly, I on the other hand, prefer to mosey along that dusty trail.

