17 Daily Habits That Change Your Career Life and Make You More Healthy

11 min readDec 1, 2022


Photo by Adrian Balasoiu on Unsplash

Successful people are successful because they have a knack for making themselves stand out from the general public. These successful people are not three-headed, much less hidden superpowers, but rather it is the everyday habits and simple behaviors that we usually overlook that set them apart.

These habits include proactively sharing what they have, accepting failure with optimism, actively seeking negative feedback, listening, and saying “no,” to name a few.

Entrepreneurs from various industries around the world have summarized 20 tips for success, covering management, R&D, product, sales, recruiting, and more. After reading this article, I believe you will have a new understanding of daily behavioral habits. Take these tips with you and set out to achieve a remarkable future.

These habits are mentioned in The book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Table of Content:

10 Daily Habits For Your Career Life

7 Daily Habits For Your Healthy Life

How to Develop Good Daily Habits

10 Daily Habits For Your Career Life

1. Make a morning ritual.

Start your day on a positive, proactive note by doing something that gives you a sense of supercharge, like going for a run, meditating, or eating a healthy breakfast. Establishing an effective morning ritual helps you kick off the day on a positive, proactive note. It also helps eliminate stress, and mental fatigue, and enhances your productivity to start your day in a structured manner instead of rushing to make up for a lost time. Want to know where to start? For some inspiration, take a look at the morning rituals of some of the most successful people to see what you can learn!

2. Don’t forget the 80/20 rule.

80% of the results come from 20% of the tasks, according to Pareto’s Principle. Investing the most energy and time into the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your life will help you maximize productivity. Once you finish those tasks, you can start working on the other activities you have on your to-do list.

3. Don’t stop reading.

You can gain knowledge and stimulate your creativity by reading books. Immersion reading is also helpful in improving focus, calming you, and improving your sleep. A book, in particular, can be a great tool to expand your horizons, come up with new ideas and inspire you. By using real-life examples, they also provide actionable advice on how to overcome all kinds of difficult situations.

4. Master the art of single-tasking.

There are only 2% of people in the world who are able to successfully multitask. Occasionally juggling between tasks is fine, but constantly juggling between tasks can limit your focus and contribute to mental clutter because your brain has a hard time filtering out irrelevant information by juggling multiple tasks. There is no doubt that multitasking is detrimental to your productivity and may even impair your cognitive abilities. Therefore, you should try to single-task as much as possible, according to a Stanford University study. Start with the most important tasks of the day and work your way down the list, completing one task at a time, as you go along. This will help you accomplish more in a day.

5. Become more appreciative.

In the words of French novelist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, we can complain about rose bushes having thorns, or we can rejoice about thorns having roses. In the midst of the rat race, it’s easy to lose sight of how fortunate we are. A healthy habit like practicing gratitude can improve your mental and physical health, improve your positivity, reduce stress, and create a positive attitude toward life. What are the steps you can take to cultivate this healthy habit? In order to make your life happier, you should start a gratitude journal, volunteer, listen to your loved ones, think about one thing per day that makes you happy or grateful, and remember at least one thing each day you can be grateful for. The more you appreciate the little joys of life, the happier you will be in the long run.

6. Make sure you are surrounded by positive people.

“Jim Rohn, a successful entrepreneur, and author said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Therefore, you need to carefully consider who you spend time with. Get rid of relationships that depress you rather than lift you up. Spend time with people who share happiness. A happy life is easy to create since it is contagious.

7. Exercise regularly.

Working out regularly improves your physical health, boosts your creativity, and improves your cognitive abilities. If you still aren’t convinced that exercising elevates mood, you should know that it boosts the production of endorphins, which are natural antidepressants. It’s an effective way to build endurance and feel more energized. Still, need more reasons?

8. Learn how to listen well.

Communication is a crucial part of cultivating personal and professional relationships. Listening is key to communication. Take the time to understand what others are saying. You will not only feel valued, but you will gain a new perspective and understand them better. When you’re busy deciding what pizza to order for dinner, don’t try to monopolize the conversation or fake attention. Here is a handy guide that can help you develop your listening skills. Pay attention to what they have to say and what they really mean.

9. Don’t be a slave to social media.

It has become almost impossible to live without the digital world. There are five social media accounts on average and people spend around an hour and a half checking social media every day. According to research, more time spent on social media sites increases your risk of depression. Reduce stress and mental clutter by cutting back on social media. Take a few hours each day to disconnect from your smartphone and laptop to improve your mood.

10. Take care of yourself.

I personally believe that listening to music, learning a new skill, taking a long bubble bath, or cooking a nice meal can help you feel good and really boost your mental health, self-esteem, and mood. Make sure you do at least one thing per day that makes you feel good.

7 Daily Habits For Your Healthy Life

Don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself. The most important thing is to do what you can. Good habits don’t happen overnight, so don’t expect them to happen overnight.

Get up early and drink water if you were to know you experience mild dehydration when you sleep, you should drink water immediately after waking up in order to rehydrate your body. You must drink water every day to keep your body hydrated and regulate your body temperature. Staying hydrated is also important for improving your mood, sleep, and other physical health. So, try drinking a glass of water every morning to boost the health of your body.

If you would like to make this a daily habit, try these tips:

· Set a reminder on your phone to remind you to drink water on a regular basis

· Make sure you always have a glass of water beside your bedside table, so when you wake up in the morning you can drink it

· Make sure you bring a water bottle that is filled up with water

1. Take time to meditate every day

Imagine you are focusing on your breath as it flows in and out. Try to return your attention to your breath whenever your mind wanders. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for 5 seconds, and exhale. Just a few simple steps.

Practicing meditation involves spending time with yourself in a quiet environment and paying attention to your thoughts.

If you meditate for a minute or ten minutes every day, you will become calmer and more optimistic. The good thing about meditation is that it helps people to be less anxious and has a positive impact on their mental and physical health.

Meditation can be started in the following ways:

· Use an app for meditation and do an activity every day

· Watch this YouTube video before sleeping to learn how to meditate for beginners

· Breathe in and out five times. With limited time, this is great.

2. Exercise or walk outside

The benefits of walking or any type of physical activity include protecting yourself against diseases such as type 2 diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, and more. Experts recommend that adults engage in the active movement for 2.5 hours a week, at least.

When you combine physical activity with spending time outdoors, you can get a sense of refresher when you are surrounded by plants that release aromatic compounds that help boost your immunity.

Here are some suggestions on how you can become more physically active:

· Make it a goal every day to walk for a minimum of 10 minutes

· Persuade others to hold you accountable for your goal by discussing it with them

· You should walk if you are within walking distance of your destination

· Make a commitment to exercising and find a friend who will join you for a walk or join an exercise group

· Do these activities during the winter

3. Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables

Vitamins and minerals found in vegetables and fruits can benefit your physical and mental health. They can also improve your skin condition.

Here are some healthy eating tips:

· Save money on fresh fruits and vegetables by buying them during sales

· When fresh greens aren’t on sale, purchase canned or frozen fruits and vegetables

· Buy fresher, cheaper produce in season

You can easily add lettuce, celery, or canned peas to your meals by keeping them in the refrigerator

· Make these healthy recipes at home

4. Relax with relaxing music or nature sounds at night

Listening to soothing music and nature sounds can help relieve stress and reduce anxiety. Listening to soothing sounds on a daily basis is recommended to reduce stress hormones like cortisol. Listening to calming sounds at night also helps you wind down. You should listen to music that calms you down tonight, like leaves rustling, flute music, wind blowing, etc.

5. Continually learn new things

Watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, or reading books and blog entries about topics that interest you is a great way to keep your brain healthy as you age.

To learn something new, check out these sites:

· The Family Centre’s learning and resources

· My Health Alberta

· Edmonton Public Library

6. Get to know your loved ones better

During times of depression, anxiety, or other mental health concerns, spending time with family or a loved one can provide emotional support. The more time you spend with them, the more connected you feel.

Giving full attention to your loved ones while you talk means spending quality time with them — no phones, no iPads.

Spend time with people by trying these ideas:

· Play the game Never Have I Ever

· Feel more connected by asking them questions they haven’t asked before

7. Sleep enough

What is the importance of sleep?

Lack of sleep increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and hallucinations. Lack of sleep causes your body to heal and repair itself, which leads to heart disease and blood vessel damage.

To sleep better, follow these tips:

· Put down your phone one hour before bedtime to help your body produce more melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone.

· Make sure you get enough sleep

· Do not nap during the day

How to Develop Good Daily Habits

1. Make a list of your current daily habits

If you’re a daily habit setter, it’s very likely that you already have some great habits in place! Congrats!

It is also likely that there are other areas where you could do with a little work. Let’s take a look at those first. Ask yourself the following questions:

l Do you have any good daily habits?

l What needs to be improved?

l Are my habits healthy? Are they unhealthy? How’s my health?

l Can you tell me what my work/productivity/financial habits are? Where am I succeeding? Where can I improve?

l Is my relationship going well?

l How would I like to be one year from now? Where am I now?

It can be helpful to think about these questions to determine what activities you need to do in order to improve your life and to determine what kind of attention you need to give to them.

2. Discover your top 5 daily habits

I am sure there are hundreds of examples of good habits that don’t apply to your life. This is okay.

It’s quite likely that there are at least a few of these bad habits that do apply to you. After evaluating your current daily habits, you’ll be able to identify the bad habits that need to be changed. Start focusing your efforts on just five of these good habits at a time.

3. Read Atomic Habits

You should read Atomic Habits if you’re trying to improve your habits. It is one of the most popular books about changing your life through habits.

4. Make a small start

In order to achieve any goal, you need to take small, actionable steps in the right direction every day.

I’d like to show you something. Let’s say that your goal is to make working out for 45 minutes a daily habit, but you’re afraid of burning out if you jump right in. Maybe you start with three 30-minute workout sessions per week. That would be an excellent start.

If you feel like you have to get it all done at once, remember that it is important to build and reinforce your habits over the long term.

5. Be a success-oriented person

In order to shift your habits, you need to know what is surrounding you and how it affects what you do. People, things, places, and energy are all factors that affect what you do.

In the case of trying to limit your use of alcohol, for example, it may not be recommended that you visit your friend who goes out every night to the bar if you are trying to limit your intake of alcohol.

It may not be the best idea to begin a movie at 10 pm if you are trying to get more sleep every night, or if you are trying to get more sleep each night.

The things you allow into your life and the choices you make should align with your goals. Be smart about what you allow into your life and the choices you make.

6. Maintain a Progress Tracker

You can track your progress with a habit tracker, which will allow you to see the progress that you are making over time. The progress you track will help you stay motivated when you feel discouraged, tired, or like giving up when you feel like giving up.

There are times when it is hard for us to realize progress until it is blatantly in our faces. Habit trackers help us to realize our progress.

7. Patience is key

A habit takes time to become a reliable daily habit, so be patient with yourself and give yourself some grace because you will only impede your success by being too strict or impatient with yourself.

8. Give yourself a reward

If you are making great strides in your daily habits, and you see improvements in your daily habits, then reward yourself! In addition to doing something that makes you feel wonderful to celebrate your victories, be sure to put in some effort to cultivate those habits in the future.

Related reads: Atomic Habits by James Clear Summary and Review.




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