Avoid Injuries On Moving Day

Matthew Flavin
4 min readAug 17, 2018


7 Tips to Avoid Injuries and Stay Safe during a Move!

Although moving to a new home can be an exciting adventure, it can be also the beginning of several types of injuries. With all the rush that is involved during the moving day, it is very easy to overlook safety measures. Whether you are hiring an interstate removalist or self pack removals, you still need to make sure that your home is safe for the movers. According to statistics, about one third of all interstate removals professional suffer at least from back injuries despite having gone through training. Since you are not a professional, it is even of greater importance being extra careful. This involves being aware of all the potential dangers that may potentially lead to accidents and injury during a move. So how can you avoid injuries while moving? To help you, here are 7 basic rules to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring.

1. Dress Appropriately to Avoid Injury

From climbing up and down the staircase to maneuvering large items down the hallways and doorways, the whole moving process is extremely physically demanding. In addition, lifting heavy furniture and items with sharp corners can easily lead to minor injuries. To prevent these injuries that may slow down your relocation, ensure that you dress appropriately. Wear clothing that covers your entire body to avoid getting cuts and scratches. If you are moving during the winter period, wear appropriate clothing that will ensure you are protected from the weather elements.

2. Use Proper Lifting Technique to Protect Your Back

According to research, poor lifting technique is the main leading cause of injuries during a move. In order to protect yourself from injuries, use a cart to move your household items whenever possible. When lifting items, bend and lift using your knees rather than your back and in a controlled manner. Finally, always stand on solid ground while keeping your footing secure.

3. Keep Your Space Organized and Clear of Hazards

When you are moving interstate, it is very easy for your home to become disorganized and cluttered with all types of items. However, try as much as possible to keep the floors clean of packing materials and unnecessary stuff to maintain a clear path for the movers or shipping container removals. If you have children, designate one room for all their toys, tables, and craft supplies to prevent them from cluttering the whole house.

4. Eat well and stay hydrated

Doing strenuous activities like lifting furniture and boxes is physically demanding and makes you feel tired easily. When you become tired, you lose focus and begin making small mistakes. No matter how small or simple the move may be, ensure that you are hydrated and have eaten a good meal. Apart from this, carry a bottle of water with you and have frequent breaks for snacks.

5. Keep Your Kids and Pets Away From Trouble

Speaking of understanding the dangers of a house move, it is important to remember that you have loved ones in your family who are either too young or cannot grasp the concept of safety. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that your children and pet are safe during the move. To do this, keep them as far away as possible from the moving epicentre. You can arrange with a relative or a friend to watch over them in a safe environment.

6. Ask For Adequate Moving Assistance

House moving process is not meant to be a one-man affair. The whole process of packing up for the move is quite daunting even if you still have enough time until the moving date. The packing, lifting, carrying, loading, and unloading should be a group effort. While friends and relatives will provide you with good support, the ultimate decision that will guarantee you total safety during the move is seeking the help of professionals.

7. Carry First Aid Kit to Treat Minor Injuries

When moving your home, ensure that you have packed a first aid kit and carry it in your car. This will help you in treating minor injuries that come along the way. The first aid kit should contain antibiotics, aspirin, band-aids, and other items that can be useful during the move. In addition, your mobile phone should be charged and contain all the important numbers.


Moving injuries can happen in split seconds with no any kind of warning. This is why you should have knowledge on ways to avoid injuries and stay safe during you’re across town or interstate move. By following these simple safety tips, you will be able to complete the whole move successfully without anyone getting hurt.

