How to Read 5 Books a Month | Cal Newport’s Method

Book Insights
2 min read5 days ago

As a professor and writer, reading plays a crucial role in my life. My aim is to read five books every month, and I hold myself accountable by discussing the books I’ve read in the previous month on the first episode of my podcast, Deep Questions. You can track my reading journey by tuning in.


Many people are curious about how I manage to read five books a month. It may seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s quite achievable. Here are my five tips for reading more effectively, with the fifth being the most critical.

Why Reading Matters

Before diving into the tips, let’s address why reading extensively is important, especially for those engaged in intellectual work. Reading sharpens your brain much like exercise tones your body. It involves grappling with complex ideas, making connections across different theories, and developing empathy by seeing the world through others’ perspectives. For knowledge workers, reading is not just beneficial; it’s essential for maintaining a competitive edge.

Five Tips for Reading More Books

  1. Choose Interesting Books: Don’t just read what you think you should; read what captivates you. A diverse selection of genres and formats, including audiobooks, keeps reading engaging.
  2. Schedule Reading Sessions: Treat reading with the same respect as exercise by scheduling dedicated times for it in your calendar.
  3. Create Enjoyable Rituals: Pair reading with pleasurable activities like enjoying a drink or sitting on your porch. This makes it more likely that you’ll look forward to and stick with your reading habit.
  4. Do Closing Pushes: When nearing the end of a book, set aside time for a final push to finish it. This helps maintain momentum and prevents books from being left unfinished.
  5. Make Your Phone Boring: Remove distractions like social media apps from your phone so that reading becomes your default activity during downtime.

By following these tips, especially the last one, you’ll find that fitting in five books a month isn’t as challenging as it seems. Plus, you’ll avoid the negative effects of social media while enriching your mind through literature.

Reading is not just an activity; it’s a lifestyle that offers depth and fulfillment. Embrace it and discover how much more rewarding life can be when books are your companions.




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