Kai Arden
Mar 28, 2021


As a nanny, I love this! To me, there’s nothing better than getting on the floor and playing with kids. Lay on your stomach and color, run around in the yard barefoot, play chase with a new crawler. Some adults may balk, be embarrassed, or feel ridiculous. But you’re giving your child such a gift. Uninterrupted play is so much better for their development. Coloring is fine motor development they’ll need to hold a pencil later. Outdoor play strengthens the muscles they’ll need to sit in a chair. Interactive play, whether with you or with other kids, teaches turn-taking, negotiation, and patience. I always tell parents that my philosophy is that playing is their kid’s job, and if they’re not on board with that then I’m not the nanny for them.



Kai Arden

Middle-aged nonbinary stroke warrior; pug parent; caregiver. Rhody born but living a Colorado life.