The Veil Of Shadows — A Short Story — Part 2

Urvashi Kaushik
4 min readNov 30, 2023


As an aspiring author, I like reading and writing short, terrifying stories. I adore gothic and horror stories set in the middle of a forest or around a haunted Victorian manor and also I love sweet romances.

As a result, I’ll be sharing similar stories on my platform. This narrative will be divided into 2–3 parts, so stay tuned and click the follow button!

Read the Part 1 of this story here: The Veil of shadows — Part 1

The Night of Terror Continues

The thing was on Ravi, and he was fighting this supernatural entity. In the car, all of the females were sobbing and yelling. And Alex was looking for the knives they bought in the car that may be used as a weapon.

He found the knife and lifted it in one swing motion, trying to aim at the thing; he couldn’t because he was afraid it could hurt his friend, but he nevertheless threw the knife at the creature, which quickly evaded. And now this thing was coming towards Alex on four legs. He lifted the knife once again and took each step backwards.

Suddenly, they heard a gunshot. Ravi shoots a bullet at the creature, which lands on his right hand. It screams, and that sound was nothing like an ordinary scream; it was a piercing scream. The creature was on the ground, holding its injured hand with the other.

At this, Ravi ran towards his friend. And unlocked the car to get the girls out. The creature was struggling to stand, and this gave them enough time to gather their things and run in the opposite direction of the road from where they were coming.

Ravi got out his phone to contact 911, but there was no network, and they heard a terrible screech. Ravi spun around, his torch focused on the monstrous creature, and saw something horrifying; it was something out of a nightmare. More creatures had gathered around the injured one, scrutinizing it.

When they saw Ravi point a torch at them, they made a horrifying wail and began racing toward them on four legs with yellow-blazing eyes. Ravi was terrified and followed his pals, who ran as quickly as they could while the four creatures pursued them.

Neha tripped over a huge rock and wrecked her knee. But it was dark, and they just had flashlights. Others were so rushed that they did not notice her slipping on the rock and continued racing.

Until she was taken captive by the creatures and screamed; they spun around in fear as the monstrous creatures ripped her skin apart in front of them. Her body fell still when she shrieked. Neha was gone.

The Otherworldly Creatures

In front of them, creatures were tearing her body apart. Sofie and Sarah burst into tears. Alex and Ravi were horrified. They switched off their lights, and all they could see in the distance were the shadows of creatures sitting and eating her flesh.

“We should keep going. And now we’ll dash into the woods. We must act quickly because otherwise, they will kill someone else.” Ravi stated almost in hushed tones.

“We cannot abandon her body in this way. This is madness.” Sarah yelled at Ravi. “If we stood here, one of us would be their next meal. Please understand that Neha is gone.” Ravi remarked this while holding her shoulder.

Neha was Sarah’s best friend. Their closeness was unmatched, and now Sarah is witnessing her friend’s body shred apart in front of her.

“Neha would not want you to die if she was here, Sarah,” Ravi stated quietly. Sarah burst out weeping. “I’m doing this only for her.” She stated.

Ravi nodded grimly in the darkness, “I know.” He sighed and continued, “Run into the forest; come on, guys. We’ll hide somewhere there till the morning. Please hurry! We just do not have the time.”

They made their way into the forest’s darkness. They didn’t use the flashlights because they feared the creatures might notice them. The only thing guiding them in the pitch-black darkness were the stars.

After strolling for half an hour, they heard nothing except crickets and owls. They suspected the creatures had fled in the opposite direction.

They came into a clearing and decided to rest briefly before seeking assistance in the morning. Everyone was silent; no one spoke to one another after what they’d experienced.

Alex and Ravi called the girls and asked them to relax for a while after they had put up the tent. But it was hard for them to rest and sleep after their horrible experience. They just set up one tent to be together if something horrible happens. They then go inside the tent and seal it by zipping it up.

Ravi had his weapons ready in case something went wrong. They sat in the congested area, resting their heads and legs on one another. They were terrified of sleeping in separate tents.

Around midnight at 3 AM, the forest came alive with unseen creatures, and no one was sleeping. They all were awake when they heard soft rustling sounds following the same shriek that they heard earlier.

Their blood ran cold when they heard movement outside their tent. The creatures have arrived, ready to gorge on their next meal.

To be continued in Part-3….

If you liked this first part of the story, press the clap button and follow me for more such short stories in the future. Thank you for reading! ❤

