Brigid: Goddess of Hearth, Healing, and Poetry — A Guide for Witches

Book of Shadows Print
11 min readJan 19, 2024

In the rich tapestry of Celtic mythology, few figures are as revered and multifaceted as Brigid, the Goddess of Hearth, Healing, and Poetry. Brigid’s influence extends far beyond the ancient Celtic pantheon, deeply rooting itself in modern witchcraft and pagan practices. This blog post seeks to explore the profound connection between Brigid and contemporary witchcraft, elucidating why and how witches today can benefit from working with her.

Brigid’s Flame, imagined by a me, created by AI, digital download for sale in my Etsy shop

The Triple Aspect of Brigid

One of the most captivating aspects of Brigid’s mythology is her manifestation as a triple goddess, a concept that resonates profoundly within the framework of modern witchcraft. This triune form represents her as the guardian of the hearth, a healer, and a patroness of poetry. These aspects, while distinct, are deeply interconnected, symbolizing the multifaceted nature of life and spirituality.

Brigid as the Keeper of the Hearth

In her role as the keeper of the hearth, Brigid is the guardian of home and family. The hearth, a central part of ancient Celtic homes, was more than just a source of warmth and cooking; it was a sacred space where families gathered, stories were shared, and traditions passed down. For witches, the hearth symbolizes not…



Book of Shadows Print

Passionate about witchcraft and divination tools. Colorful, bold and weird.