Exploring the Mystique of the Black Sun: A Symbol of Transformation

Book of Shadows Print
4 min readDec 19, 2023

The Black Sun, a symbol shrouded in mystery and steeped in controversy, has captured the imagination of esoteric enthusiasts and historians alike. It’s a symbol that transcends time, evoking the rich tapestry of occult traditions and mythological narratives. In this blog post, we will delve into the historical origins of the Black Sun, exploring its associations with alchemy, ancient mythology, and its controversial appropriation in modern times.

Mystic Black Sun, imagined by a me, created by AI, digital download for sale in my Etsy shop

Historical Background

The Black Sun has no single point of origin but rather is a composite drawn from various ancient cultures and practices. Its earliest manifestations may be traced back to the worship of the sun in its dark phase, particularly during solar eclipses, which held significant spiritual importance in many ancient societies.

In medieval alchemy, it symbolized the ‘nigredo’, the first stage in the creation of the philosopher’s stone, representing both decay and the promise of rebirth.

Through the centuries, the Black Sun has been reinterpreted by different cultures, each infusing it with their unique esoteric knowledge and philosophy. This complex background sets the stage for the symbol’s multifaceted nature, which encompasses creation, transformation, and the profound mystery of the…



Book of Shadows Print

Passionate about witchcraft and divination tools. Colorful, bold and weird.