“Strength” in Tarot: Courage and Vulnerability

Book of Shadows Print
8 min readJan 15, 2024

‘Strength’ follows ‘The Chariot’ in the Major Arcana, transitioning from themes of external control and willpower to the realm of inner strength and courage. While The Chariot focuses on overcoming obstacles through determination and control, Strength emphasizes the power of inner resilience, patience, and the gentle mastery of one’s instincts.

Overview of Strength

The ‘Strength’ card is often depicted as a figure gently closing the jaws of a lion, symbolizing the harmonious balance between human consciousness and animal instincts. This card represents the inner strength that comes from patience, compassion, and inner calm. It suggests the importance of facing challenges with courage and resilience, not through force, but through understanding and self-control. The Strength card encourages self-confidence, fortitude, and the subtle power of compassion in overcoming obstacles.

Historical Background of “Strength” in Tarot

The ‘Strength’ card has been a part of Tarot decks for centuries, traditionally symbolizing the virtue of fortitude. Early depictions often showed a person, typically a woman, gently subduing a lion, illustrating the concept of strength through inner qualities rather than physical force. This imagery represented not just physical strength, but also moral and spiritual fortitude.

Evolution of the Card’s Imagery and Meaning



Book of Shadows Print

Passionate about witchcraft and divination tools. Colorful, bold and weird.