“The Magician” in Tarot: Activating Potential

Book of Shadows Print
10 min readDec 31, 2023

In the journey of the Major Arcana, ‘The Magician’ immediately follows ‘The Fool,’ representing the next step on the spiritual and life path. While The Fool symbolizes the potential and the beginning of a journey, The Magician represents the manifestation of that potential into reality. This transition marks a shift from the realm of possibilities to the realm of action, where potential is harnessed and directed.

Overview of The Magician

‘The Magician’ is a powerful card in the Tarot, often depicted as a figure with one hand pointing to the sky and the other to the ground, symbolizing the connection between the spiritual and the material. Surrounded by various tools on a table (a cup, a pentacle, a sword, and a wand), The Magician represents resourcefulness, skill, and the ability to make things happen. This card is about taking control of one’s environment and using the available resources to achieve one’s goals. It speaks to the power of knowledge, action, and the mastery of one’s skills. The Magician is a reminder that we have the tools and resources necessary to manifest our desires and goals, urging us to take action and turn our potential into reality.

Historical Background of “The Magician” in Tarot

‘The Magician,’ originally known as ‘Le Bateleur’ (The Mountebank) in early Tarot decks, has a rich and varied history. Its origins can be traced back to the 15th century, where it appeared as one of the…



Book of Shadows Print

Passionate about witchcraft and divination tools. Colorful, bold and weird.