Working with Hades, the Greek Lord of the Underworld

Book of Shadows Print
3 min readFeb 7, 2023

Hades is a powerful deity who is often associated with death, the underworld, and the afterlife. In Greek mythology, he is the ruler of the dead and is revered for his wisdom, cunning, and control over the forces of the underworld. As a witch, you may find that working with Hades can bring a unique and powerful energy to your practice.

Hades Lord of the Underworld Hair on Fire, imagined by a me, created by AI, digital download for sale in my Etsy shop

Why work with Hades?

Hades is not just the ruler of the underworld, but also a powerful deity of transformation and renewal. He is the one who presides over the transition between life and death, which makes him a powerful ally for spells and rituals related to death, resurrection, and transformation. By working with Hades, you can tap into his wisdom and power to help you work through challenging or transformative periods in your life.

How to work with Hades

Here are some steps to start working with Hades:

  • Read about Hades and learn about his mythology, attributes, and associations. Study his stories and try to understand his motivations and personality.
  • Spend time meditating on Hades, and try to develop a personal connection with him. Offer him prayers, offerings, or ritual devotion to build a relationship with him.
  • Create rituals and spells…



Book of Shadows Print

Passionate about witchcraft and divination tools. Colorful, bold and weird.