Ragasudha Muthukrishnan
4 min readAug 26, 2020
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Hey There,

If you’re here, you come under any one of the following 3 categories

  • You’re a bookworm and you ended up here. No more explanations!
  • You’re my friend or family and I chivvied you to check out my blog.
  • You’ve no clue who I am and what this blog is about. You just happened to stumble upon it.

Whatever the case may be, I’ll try to give you some amazing content and quality time to the best of my abilities while you’re here.

I’m Ragasudha Muthukrishnan, Welcome to my blog.

Today is my birthday and I’m taking up a resolution/challenge 😄

The challenge is to read one book a week for a year

Now, Why am I doing this?

  1. I watched a movie recently with a similar plot. It’s about cooking and blogging the experience and I wanted to do something like that for a long time since I’m really into cooking. But I don’t actually live in a single place for a long time and I won’t have access to a proper kitchen all the time for me to accomplish that task properly.
  2. Suddenly, I came across a video on YouTube about a guy’s experience of reading a book a week for over 4 years and I thought it was amazing. Now, I…



Ragasudha Muthukrishnan

I love books and I’m currently taking up the “one book a week” challenge!