BookVolts — the world’s first NFT book publisher

3 min readSep 7, 2021


BookVolts is creating an entire network for consumable NFTs in the book publishing industry.

For the first time, BookVolts will allow book lovers to purchase, own, collect and — most importantly — read NFT books through the blockchain.

This is all about authors taking back control

For many authors, advances and royalties from publishers have been declining dramatically, and subscription models & marketplaces such as Kindle Unlimited or Amazon have seriously undervalued the work of the writer.

On average, authors only receive 10% of sales from their print books and pages read. BookVolts gives writers a chance to earn up to 90% of every sale by using NFT technology to protect their digital assets.

BookVolts also opens a secondary market for the resale of NFT books — something which has never been possible with other eBook formats.

NFT books will strengthen the bond between authors and readers

We want to see authors and publishers benefiting from NFT technology in the same way that it’s helped musicians and artists in their respective industries, and we want readers to be able to cherish new and exciting digital content for the first time.

BookVolts empowers authors to expand into multimedia storytelling. When publishing an NFT book, authors can now add-on videos, maps, audio snippets, memes, author interviews and insights, family trees, and much more.

Readers will benefit from a more immersive storytelling format and more proximity to the author, who can now embrace their readership directly. Whatever the author wishes to include in the digital edition, that’s what we can tailor the offer to.

Blurring the boundaries of the art & literature world

An NFT book isn’t simply the written content created by the author. The artwork plays a major role in NFT books, and provides an opportunity for innovation. Bored with just a static image for a cover? Then design an animation or visual effects that can bring your story to life.

BookVolts is collaborating with several extremely exciting and talented NFT artists to design the book covers on behalf of our authors. The artwork associated with each NFT book will provide value in its own right, and will provide fans with visually stunning digital libraries.

How does it work?

Whereas there can be an infinite number of ebooks created every time a purchase is made on either Amazon or Google Books, NFT editions are limited, registered and coded through blockchain technology, so that a reader will know the exact number of edition that they own (and everyone else will too!).

This makes NFT books scarce, and therefore valuable.

Owners of the NFT token will have access to the digital version of the book (and all its add-ons) via the BookVolts reader app. The token essentially acts as a password to access the book. As soon as you sell or trade the token, you will no longer have access to the content associated to the NFT, so there is zero risk of pirating copies.

Readers can start building their own collections and digital libraries of exclusive NFT books. These NFT books can be sold, bought or even traded with other fans, creating a fun and rewarding way of engaging with literature and authors.

BookVolts NFT books will be minted as ERC-1155 tokens, on both the Polygon and Etherium blockchains.

Our Vision

Our ultimate goal is to allow authors and readers to interact directly through the power of blockchain technology. As the technology evolves, we wish to create a publishing, selling and reading platform that can operate on a completely decentralised system (which is coming… soon).

We will be creating and auctioning the first ever NFT edition of Robinson Crusoe — for more information follow the link here.




BookVolts is the world’s first NFT book publisher. For the first time, publish your digital first editions on the blockchain