Earn Competitive Yield with your FLOW Tokens — First Principal-Protected Liquidity Protocol on Flow

4 min readOct 19, 2022


Interested in finding out how you can safely put your FLOW tokens to good use? Read on.

Flow has brought blockchain to billions, becoming a core part of the entire blockchain ecosystem we have today.

Today, despite the several blows on the crypto market, Dapper Labs, the network creator that gave us Flow, isn’t going easy on the throttle. Dapper has recently debuted a $725M Ecosystem Fund to promote blockchain development on Flow. The fund is the largest ecosystem backing thus far, and will go towards boosting “gaming, infrastructure, decentralized finance, content and creators” in the Flow ecosystem.

Is Flow ready for DeFi?

DeFi on Flow is currently at its nascency. The Total Value Locked (TVL) in Flow is standing at $3.6M, according to DeFiLlama. At this stage, we are inevitably presented with a dilemma for the DeFi scene on Flow: we need a critical mass of liquidity to attract borrowers who will pay fees and interests to attract lenders.

To crack this, Flow needs a DeFi solution which can boost on-chain TVL in the current DeFi winter. For that, we turn to the world’s fabled winter warrior — squirrels, to help us understand how we can better serve the next generation of DeFi maximalists on Flow.

As we know, squirrels begin preparing for winter in the fall. They cache during autumn to store food for winter. Because of this, they are able to return to some — but not all — of these food stores during winter, when food is scarce.

Similarly, many farsighted Flow Maximalists have squirreled a cache of FLOW. When everyone was thriving during crypto summer, these winter warriors were preparing for the worst. And these are the survivors which DeFi dApps on Flow should look to service.

While DeFi protocols in the past could focus on hype and profit, projects today have to focus on creating real user value. They simply cannot rely on over-leveraged tokenomics anymore.

This brings us back to the key question of this discussion: how can we bring in and utilize liquidity on Flow?

For that, we create Boolean.XYZ to serve these winter warriors. With Boolean.XYZ, our winter warriors now have a safe haven to earn safe, real yields on their FLOW cache, while promoting innovation on Flow blockchain as a whole.

The Critical Role of Boolean.XYZ in Flow

The team at Boolean.XYZ is creating a liquidity solution for dApps on Flow. In the current climate where liquidity is low, innovations can be hindered and the delivery of quality dApps may be compromised.

Boolean.XYZ is the liquidity infrastructure which will support quality dApps on Flow

However, quality dApps is key to the success of the entire blockchain which then draws in TVL. Users will only come, if quality applications exist; quality applications only exist, if developers build them; but developers will only build, if there’s an audience.

We aim to serve the 1,000+ active projects building on the world’s fastest growing blockchain, Flow

Boolean.XYZ aims to serve the backlog of 1,000+ Flow projects looking for liquidity to launch their fungible tokens on the market with our liquidity aggregation protocols.

Where is Boolean.XYZ right now?

The team at Boolean.XYZ has recently received the Flow Token Grant to build the liquidity protocol and prepare the projects on Flow for their DEX launches.

Boolean.XYZ was awarded the esteemed Token Grant to be the liquidity partner of dApps on Flow

While projects can access FLOW’s pre-existing liquidity on BloctoSwap or IncrementFi, they will need to meet liquidity requirements for DEX launches on these DEXs. This is easily resolved with our Boolean Vaults, where FLOW is crowdsourced from the community and utilized by the projects working with Boolean.XYZ.

As recommended by Flow in their fungible tokens tutorial:

“dApps need to launch liquidity pools with at least $100,000 worth of tokens per side (i.e. a Total Value Locked of $200,000 at minimum) for their DEX launches. As this is not a trivial amount for most Flow projects, Boolean.XYZ will be supporting these projects with their liquidity requirements.”

If you are building on Flow, visit our official website to apply for liquidity today.

With Boolean.XYZ, Flow projects can now access crowdsourced liquidity from you, our winter warriors. In return, Boolean.XYZ will return a sustainable and competitive yield on these staked FLOW tokens while keeping your cache safe.

By the end of 2022, FLOW token holders will be able to stake their FLOW tokens with Boolean.XYZ and earn from our liquidity vaults.


Meanwhile, users can join our Discord channel and stay updated on our progress. Be part of our community to gain exclusive access to our products (or stand a chance to win our community rewards just for being early 👀).

Twitter: https://twitter.com/booleanxyz

Discord: https://discord.gg/WH2JB7pm6S

Official website: https://boolean.XYZ

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Building on Flow? Get your liquidity here 👇:




Trusted Liquidity Infrastructure for World’s Fastest Growing Blockchain | Building on Flow? Get liquidity with us 👇