PinnedMy Stories on MediumDiscover works by Boots Davidovitch on this Reading List.Oct 14, 202415Oct 14, 202415
Published inRainbow SaladOn Being Seen — Standing in the Shadow of The (Gas) LightStep into the heartfelt moment created by Medium — your friend, Boots, did!Feb 118Feb 118
Published inPitfallThey Laughed, They Called Us Mad, But Who's Laughing Now?Medium's Smillew Publishing Dynasty — 120 (collective) years and going strong!Jan 3110Jan 3110
Published inE³ — Entertain Enlighten EmpowerThe Part of Art in Creating a Quality LifeSoul power — what art does for body, mind, and spirit is beautifulJan 2310Jan 2310
Published inAll About MIn a Word, What Makes the Medium?The extraordinary miracle of moving parts that make the moment and the Medium we see before usJan 2214Jan 2214
Published inSoul MagazineCute Baby Videos Speak to the SoulNewbies on Team Humanity bring the aweJan 208Jan 208
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsEmbrace Radical Change for The BetterThe essential holiday tradition we all need right nowJan 1912Jan 1912
Published inBlack Coffee PoetryIn a Mood of Blue: 7 (More) Haiku for YouMinimalism in a hue: bold and blueJan 1022Jan 1022
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsWe Can X-it NowRun the court of popular opinion in your neXt eXcellent adventureJan 67Jan 67