Product Management vs Project Management

Paras Borad
3 min readAug 11, 2022


Will you be a good Product Manager or a Project Manager? Well I think this article will help 😌

Product Manager vs Project Manager
Well the lady looks like a project manager 🤔, Let’s find out.

Note: This is going to be somewhat detailed article going from basics to midwater so if you haven’t had shower it’s fine you need time in shower to digest this.

Let’s get the basics first,

What’s Product and a Project?

Product: An object/asset for serving a specific need or solving a specific problem.

Project: Series of actions combined to execute the plan.

Who is Product Manager and Project Manager?

Product Managers: A product manager is in charge of a product from the beginning of its lifecycle to its end.

Project Manager: A project manager oversees projects from start to finish.

Product Management is a relatively new role than Project Management.

Microsoft calls their Product Managers, Program managers. But that’s not the case for amazon or other companies; Amazon has different skills requirements for Program Manager role.

Simple, Right? Well Yeah,

Let’s move to the cheese of this article.

Lot of organisations confused product and project managers’ work and the responsibilities. But it just takes few questions to distinguish between product and project manager’s work. How?

Product Questions vs Project Questions

Well if you don’t know Tom Cruise’s new movie Top Gun: Maverick is 😘

Ohh let’s come to the point again, What is the thinking pattern of those managers then? Simple. See 👇

Project thinking is about understanding expectations, formulating plans, marshalling resources, and coordinating actions to meet those expectations.

Product thinking is about understanding motivations, conceiving solutions, simulating their effects, and picking a path based on the effects you want to create.

Product thinking vs Project thinking

In short Product Manager identifies user delicacies, Project Manager develops those delicacies.

So now you can decide which thinking comes natural to you and decide the path of project or product management.

Now comment 🤳🏻 down what would be the role of the lady in the title image? I still think she’s project manager 🧐

If this article is useful to you for what so ever reason please don’t forget to give claps 👏🏻, It matters a lot. Come to my LinkedIn profile and be shameless about movie recommendations Paras Borad 🍿


Product and Project manager’s definitions are taken from Coursera.

Last but not the least give a shot to Minions 😁.

