bruno borella

bruno borella

Remote work

1 story

bruno borella

bruno borella

Content And Copy

2 stories

bruno borella

bruno borella

User testing

2 stories

A dribbble illustration with a woman reading a newspaper
bruno borella

bruno borella


5 stories

Jack is walking on the beach. He has blonde sticky-up hair and is carrying a backpack. He is wearing shorts
bruno borella

bruno borella

Design System

7 stories

Two list items, both with colored tags to show their statuses. The first one is a blue tag saying “in progress”; the second one is a green tag saying “finished”.
bruno borella

bruno borella

Design System

15 stories

Blue question mark on a pink background
Ilustração de uma página web com duas figuras no centro, representando regras do que fazer, em verde, e o que não fazer, em vermelho.
bruno borella

bruno borella

Product Design

41 stories

abstract brain art
Symbols representing growth and scale
The eight principles of Information Architecture
bruno borella

bruno borella

UX strategy

8 stories

Illustration of confused man (left), and that same man (right), looking happy and confident due to being empowered by strategy.
Designer as a hammer hitting a nail that they should not hit.
bruno borella

bruno borella

Design Management

6 stories

bruno borella

bruno borella

UX + Psychology

5 stories

Intro banner with the letter “C” and a human brain processing information
bruno borella

bruno borella

Feedback & Crits

12 stories

bruno borella

bruno borella

Design Leadership

5 stories

bruno borella

bruno borella

Discovery + Thinking

9 stories

It is a kind of a collage made by tha author. A black and white over hundred years old photo of a man with a velociped. And in the wheels of the velociped is a bad search result for Google’s brand new Cycling feature on coloured Google Maps in Hungary.
Designer as a hammer hitting a nail that they should not hit.
the words “what now” written on a concrete wall
bruno borella

bruno borella


2 stories

Multiple hands adding post-its, drawing and interacting with a board.
Visualisation of the pitch canvas consisting of eight rectangular fields with titles, descriptions and icons. Titles and descriptions are similar to the contents of this article.
bruno borella

bruno borella


2 stories

bruno borella

bruno borella

Product Management

6 stories

Designer as a hammer hitting a nail that they should not hit.
bruno borella

bruno borella


1 story

bruno borella

bruno borella

UX content

1 story

A comparison of four phrases with “naughty” links (on the left) and four phrases with “better” links (on the right). It is recommended to avoid using ‘here’ or ‘this’ and use parts of self-explanatory phrases as links.
bruno borella

bruno borella


2 stories

An x-ray like image of a butterfly with three entemologist’s pins nearby
bruno borella

bruno borella

Design ops

4 stories