Revolutionary AI model DALL·E 2 Promises to Wow Customers with Images

Pam Lokker
5 min readJan 18, 2023

And you don't even have to go to art school!

ai art generated image of cowboy painting on an easel
Created with DALL-E 2 AI Art Generator using the description below

Show me a photo-realistic image of a cowboy wearing a cowboy hat using AI to paint a beautiful western painting with a paintbrush in his right hand and looking like he's painting. (1st attempt ever)

And you thought what you were reading about ChatGPT was great. Just wait until you see what OpenAI promises to give you with their DALL·E 2 creation. In this article, we'll talk about what DALL-E- is.

Then we'll walk further into the AI world of OpenAI's DALL·E 2. But that's not all. We'll include specifics on both DALL-Es.

Before we can do that, we need to outline the questions we will answer.

  • What is an AI art generator?
  • What Is DALL-E, and what is a brief history?
  • What Is DALL·E 2?
  • Is DALL·E 2 cost-effective?
  • Are there AI art generator alternatives to DALL·E 2?
  • Are there copyright concerns?

What is an AI art generator?

To begin with, an AI art generator is a type of software or tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to create art. That sounds…



Pam Lokker

I wake up in the morning yearning to write. Write about what, you might ask. That’s easy to answer. I write about anything my clients want me to write about.