Nick @ Borneo Creatives
Nick @ Borneo Creatives

I started my journey with Artificial Intelligence in 2017. Dived into machine learning and hired a dozen engineers, scientists, and programmers. Focused on AI for Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Self-Driving Cars.

But only started focusing on consumer Generative AI in 2018 when I played with Style Transfer, a technique of recomposing one image in the style of another.

No Midjourney, DALL-E, Leonardo AI, etc.

And in 2019 with NLP (natural language processing) and NLU (natural language understanding). Even hired a bunch of PhDs and they were eventually poached by Amazon and many others...

No ChatGPT, Bard, etc.

Fast forward to 2023. Generative AI has arrived and will revolutionize how we WORK, LIVE, and PLAY. Join me on the journey for creating real returns with generative AI, specifically with how fast we can use AI to create digital products using available AI tools (free and paid), how it will help with your productivity, travel, etc.

Sign up to get Generative AI CA$H Machine Volume 1 - AI PROFIT Hacks PDF FREE:

ANYONE can easily create new businesses, side hustles, and much more. You will not be able to function daily without AI tools!

Medium member since October 2023
Nick @ Borneo Creatives

Nick @ Borneo Creatives

AI Advisor, Runner, Author, Gear Reviewer, Avid Reader, Traveler, Product Developer, Product Manager, Creator.