Borpa’s Bizarre Adventure — Episode1

2 min readFeb 2, 2024


She’s definetly mouthtaking. Maybe I should approach her?

Once upon a time, in a hand-drawn universe obsessed with all things butt-related, lived in harmony petite, squishy, green creatures: The Borpas.

Easily recognizable by their flat head and disproportionately large eyes, the fate of the Borpas seemed to be rather simple: enjoying life to the fullest, free from any concerns. In this small-butt paradise, The Borpas knew nothing but happiness. They swam with celestial beings, their days filled with simple pleasures and innocent play. Unity was the cornerstone of their society, bonding over shared moments and the mystical allure of the $BORPA token.

Their world, a canvas of peace, was painted with the bright colors of unity and understanding. The Borpas lived by the gentle guidance of the Borpa Sacred Book, a tome of wisdom that preached love, camaraderie, and the beauty of the present. Unaware of the very concepts of past and future, they existed in a perpetual state of blissful ignorance, their life was just perfect. Maybe too perfect?

She’s truly gorgeous. Maybe I should approach her?

Sadly, the Borpa Kingdom’s tranquility was not to last. From the depths of their perfect world, a shadow loomed. An enigmatic entity, born from the very essence of their bliss, emerged to challenge their existence. This sinister force, driven by an unknown agenda, sought to unravel the fabric of their serene life.

With a surge of inexplicable power, the unknown entity divided their world, granting The Borpas self-awareness and sending them into two separate realms. As the Borpas awoke to their new realities, they found themselves grappling with questions they had never considered. The unity they once took for granted was now a distant memory, replaced by a duality that defined their existence.

Why do they have such small butts? Why are their eyes seemingly leaving their faces? What is their true purpose?

The Cro-Magnon and Futuristic Borpas kingdoms were born.

