BOS Newsletter; 2018 June 12th

2 min readJun 12, 2018

Advanced Research Institute for Social Trust Launched on June 12, 2018

The BOS Foundation is proud to announce the opening of ARIST. ARIST is a Blockchain research institute which is established by BlockchainOS under the BOS Platform Foundation located in Zug, Swiss.

ARIST is building a responsible organization centered on major research fields and promoting growth as a community research institute that can conduct world-class research independently in a horizontal structure.

ARIST is currently taking applications to fill out it’s ranks with many qualified researchers. Please visit the ARIST careers page to find out more about the exciting careers at our new research institute.

BOS Platform Development updates

The code for “Sebak” our testNet network is still scheduled to be open sourced on June 15, 2018. There will be an announcement once the code is open sourced on github. You will see the Sebak repository on on friday.

The public testNet network will be launched by the end of June as scheduled. The public will be able to run nodes, but these do not give rewards, and is strictly voluntary. There is no requirement to run a testNet node in order to run a mainNet node.

Public mainNet is scheduled for 4th Quarter 2018. We will update the community regarding mainNet once we have testNet launched.

The White Paper 2.0 Part 1 is being audited, and it will go through a final review before publication. We do not have a release date but we will publish it once it is complete.

