BOS Newsletter — Feb. 12th, 2018

4 min readFeb 12, 2018


BOScoin IS LISTED ON KUCOIN! — Exchange away and our Newsletter

Interview with Scott Matheina

Scott Matheina, our US Regional Community Manager, conducted an interview with Future Tech Podcast (published Feb 9th), click here to listen to it now.

Meet the BOScoin Team!

Blockchain Middle East Forum — Wrap Up

Last week, the BOScoin team (Douglas and Myungsan) attended the Blockchain Middle East Forum between 5th-6th February, hosted by the Dubai government.

The Forum was focused on transforming Dubai government into the first blockchain government by 2020.

This has been backed by high level officials such as executive of the Dubai Commercial Bank, who has expressed his interest and optimism in both cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

The ambitious target will focus on departments such as healthcare, energy, real estate, logistics and trade, and personal identity.

Examples of how this will work include:

Health care

  • Personal health care records including medical records, medication, and medical history will be put on the blockchain to solve the information sharing issues experienced today where different doctors may have different information on the patient; having it on the blockchain allows this information to follow the patient.

Personal Identify

  • Dubai government aims to to have their immigration process for both locals and foreigners managed by blockchain. The target is to have some form of AI (i.e. facial recognition) to scan and process travelers at the airport.

Government Information Management System

  • An integrated information management system across the Dubai government is planned for 2020.

To realize this, Dubai government has stood up a Dubai Silicon Oasis focused to concentrate blockchain technology research; progress has been made with various prototypes created in 2017, and their aim for this year is to start implementation.

Dubai government has acknowledged that there are many challenges to overcome before reaching their goal and they do not have all the answers, but they have expressed their openness to have international companies locate to the Silicon Oasis for the benefit of blockchain technology.

Dubai and the Middle East lookk to be a good test bed for a Blockchain City project as local authorities are willing to adopt blockchain technology to enhance social utility in the long run. Still only at its beginning phase, research for government policy and local environment was also part of the objective to visit Dubai and we were lucky to have met and form new relationships there.

BOScoin Dubai Meetup

After the first day of the Blockchain Middle East Forum, we also held a meetup down the road from the Forum for 4 hrs.

Myungsan and Douglas held a presentation on BOScoin including an information session on the BOS Platform, Public Financing and BOSolar; which after the floor was opened to questions.

In line with the Blockchain Middle East Forum, interest was focused on how to implement blockchain into services supporting the Dubai community — such as our BOSolar project.

Our BOScoin members found the positive perspective of the conference members and attendees a breath of fresh air related to current blockchain environment from the Blockchain Middle East Forum and BOScoin Meetup.

Their view of Know-Your-Customer (KYC) is positive and fundamental to the development of the blockchain government, for example, records need to be linked to people — unlike some policies focused on the negative perception that KYC is a response to reduce fraud or black market trading.

In addition they were not focused on market value of the cryptocurrency, but more focused on how blockchain, and more specifically, BOSolar could be implemented and realized in their environment — we look forward to meeting more blockchain enthusiasts and having fruitful discussions with the community in the future!

Upcoming Events:

- DALLAS, USA: BOScoin Meetup — February 16th 19:00 CST

- *DALLAS, USA: The Bitcoin, Ethereum & Blockchain Super ConferenceFebruary 16th — 18th

*Our Chief Technology Officer, Yezune Choi, will give a speech on “Public Financing” at the Bitcoin Super Conference (Feb 16–18)

Exchange Update

KuCoin is currently the only exchange to exchange BOS tokens. We have had many queries regarding HitBTC, however their system is not integrated with our platform yet, and hence are only offering ‘IOUs’. We have contacted HitBTC several times to enable deposits and withdrawals but their response have been limited. We would like to emphasize that any form of exchanging (whether via a formal exchange, through IOUs, or any other form) is at the complete disgression of the individual — please ensure you have conducted your own due diligence prior to the transaction.

P2P Exchange

There are works underway for our listing on a new P2P exchange, where transactions occur directly between peers automatically with no third party intervention.

The P2P exchange platform is currently in development and is aimed to commence beta testing in early March, with a formal release around the April timeframe — the creation of this is outside BOScoin.

We will keep you posted on its development and inform the community on the progress as the news comes in.

