BOS Newsletter — Jan. 8th, 2018

3 min readJan 8, 2018

Meetups and Conferences

As you may know, we have a global meetup network which can be found at, and we have almost 200 members on our meetup global network as of today! This week we added two new meetup groups to our roster (Amsterdam, Netherlands and Genève, Switzerland), and a new local meetup organizer, Wouter Bothoff.

Wouter volunteered to host meetups in Amsterdam, Netherlands. If you are in the Netherlands, or close enough to make a meetup in Amsterdam, NL, then please join our meetup group, and contact Wouter if you have any questions regarding when he’ll have the first meetup. You can contact Wouter on the forum at or on twitter at He’s also a regular contributor to the community on slack (@wouterb).

We also have a meetup scheduled for January 23rd in Genève, Switzerland. You can join the meetup group if you would like to attend. Our Foundation founder, Serge Komaromi, is hosting the event in Genève, and CEO Inhwan Kim as well as CTO and lead platform developer Yezune Choi will also be there so you can be sure it’ll be both informative and entertaining. We will publish the exact time and location for the meetup once we have everything confirmed. In the meantime, please join the meetup group to receive any updates.

For our home base in Korea, we will be having a meetup on January 26th in Seoul, Although we will start a little early for a week day at 6 pm, we will host the event as late as it takes to tend to your queries.

In Dallas, TX, Scott Matheina, US Branch Manager/Global Community Manager, will host a meetup on the 17th of February. If you are going to attend the conference and/or the meetup, please join Scott will publish more information regarding the conference and meetup in the Dallas meetup group. Yezune Choi,, will be speaking at both the conference and meetup in Dallas, TX. We will also have an exhibitor booth to interact with attendees one on one, or in small groups to educate the general public and blockchain professionals on our project.

But that isn’t all, we have one more meetup being planned for February! On Feb 20th, in the evening, we have a meetup planned for the Bay Area. Please join the Bay Area meetup group to receive updates, and to learn when and where we will be speaking.

Exchange Updates

BOScoin listing on Kucoin is imminent and will happen in a few days. Although Kucoin is experiencing a bit of trouble integrating the wallet, we are providing full support and we are confident they will come through. We do not have an exact time and date yet, but you can follow Kucoin on twitter at for their announcement. We will not give a pre-announcement on the listing but once Kucoin announces the offical listing date and time, we will share that information with the community. Please be patient, and the second Kucoin or any other exchange sets a public date and time for our token listing we will notify everyone through every communication channel we support. These include forum, twitter, medium, email, reddit, slack. If you are following us on any of these platforms then you will know when we get listed. This is purely a community effort and in the mean time we will announce the 10 winners of the lucky draw as promised before. The following 10 winners will receive 1,000 BOS after the listing!

