BOS Newsletter — July 31st, 2018

3 min readAug 1, 2018


Listing Partnership with Coinbene

We have wonderful news for the BOScoin community: We are pleased to announce a listing partnership with CoinBene!

BOScoin will be available soon on one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Follow our social media channels to find out what is coming next!

Coinbene is the 13th largest exchange by trading volume according to coinmarketcap with over $290 Million USD in daily volume.

Community Management / Meetup

Official Telegram group

Our official telegram group has been growing steadily since we launched it last week. You can find the telegram group link here — Anyone interested in discussing the BOScoin platform, and learning more about what we are doing should join the telegram, and read the pinned post.

We also have an Official Telegram Announcement channel for an uncluttered list of our platform updates.

The official slack is still available for the time being, but we ask everyone to join our official telegram group. Our website will be updated with the telegram link.

Monthly AMA

The last section “Development” from July’s AMA is available at the following link. To read all five AMA sections, go to, and at the bottom you can find them posted.

The AMA for August is open, and is available until the 10th. The team compiles the answers from the 11th to the 20th. Once the answers are written, they are published on between the 21st and the 31st. You can find the link for the August AMA below. Please submit your questions, and senior management will answer them. Any questions which are repeat questions, not constructive in nature, don’t serve the interests of the broader community, are inappropriate and/or vulgar in nature will not be answered.

BOScoin Team moved offices

The entire BOScoin team in Seoul, Republic of Korea moved to the Tech District of Seoul. 4th Floor, L7, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea on 31 July 2018. Our new offices will accommodate 80 employees, and allow for our continued expansion as a company. We continue to expand as a company, and are hiring aggressively. If you’d like to be considered for a position with our company, please visit

Have You Met…

Blockchain Developer / Aston S. Nam

Aston majored in Computer Science at Hongik University. He is very passionate software engineer and eager to learn the new technologies. He specializes in web development for BOS Platform, and he is a fullstack software developer.

