BOS Newsletter; May 15th, 2018

4 min readMay 15, 2018


BOS Platform Development updates

Platform Update

Our development team has been working very hard on the consensus protocol, and we are happy to announce we have exceeded our initial goal of 1,000 TPS, and have set a new TPS goal of 5,000 TPS.

testNet is scheduled for release early June with mainNet following in the 4th Quarter 2018. testNet will be launched with public testNet nodes, and will only include the ISAAC consensus protocol. Trust Contracts and the governance system will be integrated into testNet over the next several months. Once testNet is fully integrated and tested with all the components required for mainNet which is the consensus protocol, trust contracts, and governance, only then will mainNet be released. We will keep the community informed of our progress, and you will be able to review the testNet code in


Last week, dev team uploaded to the GitHub repository technical papers related to the consensus protocol. These papers received permission from their authors for our team to translate into Korean. You can also find the source documents written in english.

- The Stellar Consensus Protocol : A Federated Model for Internet Level consensus ( Author : David Mazières )

- Paxos Made Simple ( Author : Leslie Lamport )

- Stellar Consensus Protocol IETF Draft ( Author : David Mazières )

- Modeling Bitcoin Contracts By Timed Automata ( Author : Marcin Andrychowicz, Stefan Dziembowski, Daniel Malinowski and Łukasz Mazurek, in Cryptology and Data Security Group )

Note: The Stellar Consensus Protocol IETF is a working draft.

Community Management / Meetup

The Amsterdam Meetup on May 13th was a great success. There were 31 local participants, and we want to thank Wouter (slack: wouterb ) for hosting this meetup. Scott, our community manager, presented an overview of the BOScoin platform, Public Financing, and Key Technologies. The CTO, Minhyo Bae; Communication/Marketing Manager, Douglas Kim; Trust Contract Dev, Marshal; and Consensus Protocol Dev, Charles were all in attendance. This is the same information which is presented at the local Dallas meetups, and we will continue to actively engage the community by hosting meetups, and attending conferences.

Our next stop is Prague, Czech Republic. We are attending the Bitcoin and Blockchain Conference — Prague on May 17th, were the CTO will speak, and we will have a booth at the conference. We are hosting a meetup after the conference at 6pm. We want to thank Prokop (slack: prokopvocadlo ) for helping set up the meetup.

Overview of White paper 2.0

On May 10th, 2018, BOScoin unveiled its overview on Part 1 of the White Paper 2.0.
The focus of this release of the White Paper 2.0 is to create credit through participation in PF (Public Financing), impact investment based on voting, and commanization of certain assets.
Three alternatives are given as to why public financing (PF) is better capitalism, and there is a detailed description of the credit generation methodology to be implemented in the BOScoin MainNet.

Overview of Whitepaper 2.0 (Part 1)

[INTERVIEW] Yezune Choi, CEO of BOScoin

[CEO Interview] BOScoin aims to lead blockchain ecosystem

“Pursuing ICOs is not our primary focus as BOScoin is creating new financing models which haven’t existed before. The core value of a public blockchain is that it is ideal at creating new credit for all interested parties,” said the CEO.

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In Korean

[CEO Interview] “The public financing shall form a global monetary and credit generation project to create better capitalism”

The BOS Platform adds three new alternatives to existing capitalist concepts in PF : credit generation through participation, impact investment based on voting, and commanization of specific assets.
In other words, public financing is the use of public blockchain tools that enable you to generate the financing equivalent of project financing directly from the network with a desire for large-scale financing.

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