BOScoin Newsletter; April 17th, 2018

3 min readApr 17, 2018


Eyes at ISAAC

If you have not seen yet, our team released the second part to the ISAAC release at the end of last week!

The second release showcases to the community our development of the BOS consensus protocol.

Although this release has a slightly more technical tone to it, it essentially illustrates our current progress, interrogating the theory with different scenarios.

We wish to reiterate our dedication to developing a robust consensus protocol to support the BOS environment.

When you feel how depressingly slowly you climb it’s well to remember that Things Take Time.”
― Piet Hein

Sharing is caring

Ongoing research to build our BOS platform requires countless reading of documentation, theories, and developments. In doing so, our Dev team have translated various academic papers (unfortunately into Korean only).

In line with our philosophy of spreading blockchain knowledge to the world, we decided to share these translations with the community via our homepage.

Although to the global community, this might not mean much, but we hope it further demonstrates our dedication to creating a robust platform; the journey of our trail of thoughts, tasks, and ideas, to implement the BOS platform.

Waddup Wallet!

Wallet work is ongoing and our team have released the first prototype of our mobile wallet for internal testing.

The prototype currently performs the following functions:

- Create Wallet

- Import Wallet

- Send Transaction

We aim to finalized our internal testing and release the source code soon to the public via Github — please keep an eye out for it!


Along with platform and applications development, we are also continuously looking to improve our work in other areas as well — Communications management is an area we have most recently focused on.

We understand the difficulty it has been to find information on BOScoin, as previously our communications were managed via different forums, and not completely synchronized.

Last week we had our Service Design team presenting the communications refresh to have our website as the single point of reference for official BOS information, whereby our other official channels would follow from that.

In addition, we aim to populate our website with a more complete set of BOS information including updated FAQs, Development page, refreshed About Us page to name a few.

We hope yoy see this a a step in the right direction and appreciate your patience in the mean time.

Have you eaten yet?

In Korean, it translates as “밥먹었어?” — which is a form of greeting.

Our meetups provide the opportunity for the interested community to say ’hi’ to our team.

At our upcoming meetups, members of our team including our community manager and CTO will be available to answer questions in order for our community to learn more about our project, and understand how we fit into the broader market. The following are our upcoming planned meetups for those in the neighborhood:

Plano, Texas, United States BOS Meetup on TOMORROW (Wednesday) April 18th at 4:00 PM. Register here!

Amsterdam, Netherlands BOS Meetup on Sunday May 13th at 1:30 PM. Register here!

Prague, Czech Republic BOS Meetup on Thursday May 17th at 6:00 PM. Register here!

If any of the above times do not suit, our team members are also attending the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference on May 17th in Prague, if you are at the event please keep an eye out for our team!


Various sites may be imitating to operate as BOScoin, i.e.:

Please ensure you are visiting the official BOScoin sites wihch have all been linked to our website: — or below


- Slack (

Social Media

- Facebook (

- Twitter (


- Medium (


- Youtube (

Professional Network

- Linkedin (

External Discussion Forums

- BitcoinTalk (

- Reddit (

Developer Forum

- Github (ISAAC) (


- Meetup (

Appreciate the continued support!

