BOScoin Newsletter — Dec. 11th, 2017

3 min readDec 11, 2017


Happy holiday season, fellow BOScoiners!

Token Distribution Status

We are continuing to distribute tokens twice a week. We’ve distributed to 55% of all users, but many of the remaining users are very small bounty hunters. We have 27% of the funds remaining to be sent, because they have not been requested. We are processing requests as we get them. Please, if you haven’t already, claim your tokens!

Monthly Transaction Fee Allocation

The monthly transaction fee was distributed last Wednesday on the 6th. The 3,000 wallets with the greatest BOScoin balance, who also have more than 10,000 BOS received their allocation of transaction fees. Please check your wallet at to see how much you received. If you did not receive any transaction fees, then you did not meet the requirements for this allocation. As announced earlier, we plan to distribute transaction fees every first Wednesday of the month unless it is a bank holiday, so the next distribution will be on the 3rd of January.

Exchange Community Vote

Announcement Regarding Kucoin vote, Bounty program and Lottery

Go to and vote for BOScoin listing. It costs 0.1 KCS, but if you fill out the google form below, you will receive 2 BOS in your BOScoin wallet, and the chance to win 1,000 BOS. 10 participants will receive 1,000 BOS no matter what! But if we win the vote and get listed on Kucoin, then 10 more lucky participants will receive 1,000 BOS!

You can find the BOScoin wallet at to create a Public Address. Ensure you save your Secret Seed! It can’t be recovered! Also remember you can’t open the wallet until you have at least 0.1 BOS deposited.

One application per email address, requires proof of vote, all duplicate submissions will be discarded.

We will look at the total number of valid votes at the end of the contest on, and at our discretion, we will determine which bounty applications are fraudulent and discard them. We will look at the Public Address submitted, email address, and proof of vote to determine which bounty applications are valid and which are not. Only submit a bounty application after you have successfully voted, using the email address registered with, and send proof of vote from that vote. Using one public address for multiple bounty applications is acceptable, but will increase the likelihood some of your bounty applications could be thrown out, if we have more bounty applications than votes.

Be sure to vote and apply before the vote is over, we will not accept applications received after T+1 hour. Below is the link to the application form.

Current Status

We got over 25% of the total votes as of now and have a clear lead but others are catching up quickly so we’d have to see until the very end. Let’s not drop our tensions just yet.

We’d also like to take this time to thank a few of the power houses in the community for donating their time and sometimes eth in helping to drive the vote. chef_bedo, moonchaser, bosradar, bronson ksr, prokopvocadlo, cryptolanka, mio, neurocrypt, dahemmer, heru, t-spark, wouterb, HJ de Vries. Apologies if we left anyone out. We really appreciate all the community involvement in this vote.


The BOS Platform Foundation will be conducting a financial and technical audit regarding the development of the project, just to keep everything in check. The audit will be conducted by one of the Global Top 4 Accounting firms and we are currently in talks with a couple of them to carry out the audit. We will choose one firm by this week and hope to have the audit completed by year end. The primary purpose of the audit is to ensure all the financials and technicals are in order for FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) so that they can keep us in check.

