BOScoin Newsletter — Jan. 29th, 2018

3 min readJan 29, 2018


Community Management Updates

BOScoin Seoul Video Meetup summary for Jan 26th, 2018

  • Exchange listing
    Three exchanges including kucoin, have been settled, but cannot be disclosed due to confidentiality arrangements. One is under negotiation and getting close.
  • Kucoin listing delay
    BOScoin is a new token based on SCP. In the course of describing and explaining this technically, it has delayed the listing, but the issues will be resolved.
  • Opening BOScoin exclusive P2P exchange
    BOScoin exclusive P2P exchange will be opened which will serve as escrow accounts so that BOScoin transactions can be carried out steadily and smoothly.
  • MainNet related Strategy / Vision
    We plan to develop MainNet following the sequential roadmap including the BOSlab R&D Center, Public Financing matters, and white paper upgrade. As for apps, we want to make a responsible, step-by-step opening rather than a quick open source release.
  • Homomorphic Encryption: Fourth Generation Password
    We are collaborating with Korean universities to pursue technical perfection. This is the most sophisticated technology in the privacy market for anonymity and entity identification. Dash, Monero, Z-cash, etc. are in the same market segment, currently worth approximately 14 Billion USD. We will compete with them in the long run.
  • BOScoin white paper 2.0 will be released late March
  • BOScoin Public Financing
    It is a system that allows proposals of social and economic value to be approved through proposals and new business can be added to the network, but only when the community judges it to be worth the increase of supply. This is a unique concept and there are no projects providing such a tool. Currently, we are applying an IB related model.
  • BOSolar Project
    We started with the intention to connect with the real economy and not be a speculative coin. Currently, web development and a self-pilot test has been successful. We are focusing on a P2P power trading model where payments can be made using our blockchain. We are looking for business partners and discussing technologies that can be attached to BOScoin.
    ex) Sell excess electricity for BOScoins in households where there is a surplus of electricity created by solar power generation (the BOScoin system)
  • Other Additional Information
    1) Meeting with world-class AI company and the best in ontology technology in February
    2) Blockchain city project
    : Application of blockchain to a whole city, from infrastructure to payments.
    3) BOScoin as a platform — adding new features like app store market, instead of creating new coins
    : Etherium adds features with new coins through ICO, but BOScoin evolves by adding new features.
  • Special thanks to HW5153, BOS Korean community manager, who summarized the meet up video into English

2018 Conferences & Seminars

Attending to meet potential business partners, and further BOScoin interests in UAE.

Yezune Choi(CTO) Speaking to main audience & BOScoin Booth

2018 Meetups

Hosting meetup to give introduction to developers and entrepreneurs.

*For 2018 2nd half future Meetups at various locations around the world covering the following subjects. Not all inclusive and subject to change.

  • BOSnet platform key technologies (mFBA, Trust Contracts, and Human Identity Authentication)
  • BOSnet infrastructure (Node installation, setup, and maintenance)
  • Commons Budget, Public Financing and Social Credit
  • Congress and Voting

