Kucoin Listing Vote — Bounty and Lottery

1 min readDec 1, 2017


Updated: Dec 6, 2017

Go to https://kucoin.com and vote for BOScoin listing. It costs 0.1 KCS, but if you fill out the below google form. You will receive 2 BOS in your BOScoin wallet, and the chance to win 1000 BOS. 10 participants will receive 1000 BOS no matter what! But if we win the vote (and get listed on Kucoin), then 20 community members will receive 1000 BOS!

You can find the BOScoin wallet at https://wallet.boscoin.io to create a public address, ensure you save your Secret Seed! It can’t be recovered! Also remember you can’t open the wallet until you have at least 0.1 BOS deposited.

One application per email address, requires proof of vote, all duplicate submissions will be discarded.

We will look at the total number of valid votes at the end of the contest on Kucoin.com, and if there are more than that many bounty applications, at our discretion, we will determine which bounty applications are fraudulent and throw them out. We will look at the public address submitted, email address, and proof of vote to determine which bounty applications are valid and which are not. Only submit a bounty application after you have successfully voted, using the email address registered with kucoin.com, and send proof of vote from that vote. Using one public address for multiple bounty applications is acceptable, but will increase the likelihood some of your bounty applications could be thrown out, if we have more bounty applications than votes.


