Neo-Sarmatism: Polish Eurasianism

Boško Vuković
5 min readApr 14, 2023


Destiny is on the side of Russia, and there is nothing the West can do to prevent its eventual Awakening. Just like the Romans could not stop the Awakening of Arabia and Persia. The quintessential German historian, Oswald Spengler predicted the rise of Russia, and its Slavic kinsmen, as the dawning of a new Culture. Its architectural style, first promised by the St. Basil’s Cathedral, is now slowly manifesting itself in the form of the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.

Even an all-powerful force like the coming Anglo-American Caesar cannot stop this process. He can certainly conquer the the Land of Russia — but not its Soul. Just like the Romans took Syria. But the Syriac Soul could not be tamed — or conquered — not even by the mighty Caesars.

The Russian Awakening should not be understood in terms of political power. When the West awoke, a thousand years ago, its countless kingdoms were far weaker than the mighty Islamic Caliphate to the East. When the Arabs and the Persians reached their own cultural Awakening, they were far weaker than the might of the Roman Empire. In terms of political and economic power, the modern Russian Federation (with the notable exception of its nuclear arsenal) is no match for the United States of America — which represent the pinnacle of Western strength. Cultural Awakenings are shown through art, religion, philosophy, societal forms, ideas and cultural symbols. The West, in 1000 AD, was a hotbed of new ideals and ways of life. Syria and Persia in 1 AD, were sources of new architectural styles and religious concepts. So it will be with Russia in the coming century.

This Awakening of Russia presents a problem for Western politics. In one way, or another, the existence of Russia is beneficial for the Western Powers. Instead of a dozen nuclear-armed warlord-states across the vastness of the Eurasian Steppe, the West has to engage with a single, unified power. However — at the same time — a powerful Russia presents a grave threat to Western interests. As the British academic, Halford Mackinder claimed — who controls the Heartland, controls Eurasia — and thus the World-Island! And who rules Eurasia, rules the World.

This can be remedied — if the process is properly understood among the Western policy-makers.

The Awakening of Russia necessarily means the Awakening of Slavdom. And among the Slavic peoples, there is one Eurasian nation capable of matching the might of the Russian Bear.


Poland’s military history is full of great achievements, especially during the XVII Century. The Polish Winged Hussars have not only humbled the Ottoman Janissary Legions at the Battle of Vienna in 1683 AD, but they have managed to achieve what is considered by most Europeans as an impossibility — the Conquest of Russia. A talented people, the Poles are conservative, collectivist and deeply religious. However, where does this non-Western, somewhat Asiatic cultural character of the Polish people lie?

The answer is Sarmatism.

What is Sarmatism?

Sarmatism was an ethno-cultural ideology of the Polish-Lithuanian aristocracy during the Polish Baroque. Along with the “Golden Liberty”, a form of aristocratic democracy, Sarmatism formed the axis of Polish-Lithuanian society. Sarmatia was a a semi-legendary, poetic name for Poland, given to it after the Eastern Iranic Sarmatians, an ancient nomadic people which ruled the regions in Antiquity. It was a unique mix of native Slavic, Western and Asiatic traditions — thus making it equivalent to the later Eurasianist ideology of Russia.

The Polish aristocracy felt that their supposed Sarmatian ancestors were a Turkic people and accordingly viewed their Turkish and Tatar enemies as peers, albeit unredeemed ones, because they were not Christian. During the Sarmatian Period, the art and furnishings of the Persians and the Chinese, as well as the Ottomans, were admired and displayed in separate chambers or rooms. Ottoman-style clothing was popularized, for both men and women. Sarmatists strongly valued social and family ties. Women were treated with honour and gallantry. They also viewed Poland as the bulwark of true Christendom, almost surrounded by the Muslim Ottoman Empire, and by the errant Christianity of the Orthodox Russians and the Protestant Germans and Swedes. Their hairstyle, as well as their moustaches and beards, were quite unique, resembling more their Cossack enemies than the Romano-German knights of the West.

There is so much to be said of Sarmatism. However, its days of glory are long gone. What Poland, as well as the rest of Western-aligned Eastern Europe needs is a new ideology similar to Sarmatism. A Neo-Sarmatism, if you will. This new ideology should be based on Polish cultural and religious values which would increase its soft-power across Eastern Europe. It should receive unconditional support from the Euro-Atlantic Bloc as well. With a strong Poland, leading the Intermarium, the West could balance Russia — and its influence — among the Slavic peoples, without destroying it.

What is the Intermarium?

The Intermarium Commonwealth was a post-World War I geopolitical idea proposed by the Polish statesman, Jozef Pilsudski, to reunite the lands of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth into a single political entity. This geostrategic plan should be renewed, for it can prove vital for Anglo-American interests in the region. Its implementation would emulate the strength of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and bring the spirit of the Christ of Europe back into the fold of international politics. The historic partitions of Poland, the persecution and suffering of the Poles, just as the crucifixion of Christ, demand the Resurrection of Poland.

This rejuvenated Poland would be also effective against any possible ambition of a reactionary Germany. As Zbigniew Brzezinski once wrote, in his The Grand Chessboard, a Russo-German alliance would destabilize Anglo-American interests in Europe, as well as the rest of Western Eurasia. The creation of the Intermarium, led by Poland, would prevent the formation of such a coalition. Germany, as well as the rest of Europe, is historically spent. Dampened by Civilization, Europe is a museum, filled with colorful peoples, long abandoned by Destiny. True power lies among the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans, as well as the young and vital Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe.

In ancient times, Julius Caesar, who fought the younger Germanic tribes in order to defend the already decaying Roman Civilization, employed Germanic warriors as his bodyguards. They were known as the Numerus Batavorum, and they served the Julio-Claudian dynasty as their personal soldiers. Later, during the decadent centuries of the Late Roman Empire, the Romans used the Visigoths, as opposed to the Ostrogoths, as their allies against other barbarian tribes. When we go down even further down the lanes of Roman history, we reach the so-called Byzantine Empire, whose Emperors were protected by the Varangian Guard. The parallels are quite clear, when one thinks about them deeply.

The Visegrad Group is the first step towards the establishment of the Intermarium. The introduction of Neo-Sarmatism as its ruling ideology would strengthen political, cultural and economic integration between Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

The choice, yet again, is clear.

To be continued…

Post Scriptum

This text has been published by a conservative British magazine known as The Mallard: World Domination in October of 2022 AD. The Mallard is a very good and thought-provoking magazine, with excellent articles, so please support the official release.



Boško Vuković

I am a Slavic Socialist fascinated by Culture(s), Philosophy, Religion(s), Science(s) and Epic Fiction, determined to discover the hidden Rhythm of History.