Boson Protocol: Reference Application Preview

Boson Protocol
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2021

Enabling digital-to-physical transactions

At the heart of Boson Protocol’s mission is the idea of becoming the world’s open, public infrastructure layer for commercial transactions and their data.

We do not want to replace Web 2.0 legacy platforms with another platform monopoly, but instead aim to enable a vibrant ecosystem of developers creating their own applications and businesses using the protocol as a basis.

To showcase the possibilities of the sort of applications you can build on Boson, we present here a film of an upcoming reference application which illustrates the buyer and seller flows in a digital-to-physical purchase and redemption journey.

This reference app shows you how to build a peer-to-peer marketplace powered by Boson Protocol where users can connect their wallets and list a set of items as a seller, as well as discovering products available for purchase as a buyer.

Core exchange mechanism

Boson’s Core Exchange Mechanism allows for the commercial transaction of buying and selling real-world goods for digital value.

The reason that enabling arbitration-minimised commerce for digi-physical items is so important is that we are allowing buyers and sellers to transact without the involvement of a third party . Smart contracts solved the trust problem for exchanges of on-chain assets, but the purchase or sale of physical goods still require both parties to trust one another, which means that these services have been heavily intermediated by the likes of Amazon or Ebay.

How does Boson Protocol use NFTs in its system

Boson Commitment tokens are a type of NFT encoded with game theory that represent a commitment to follow through with a particular transaction.

They can be understood as a promise from the seller to hand over a particular item under certain conditions, and this means that they can be used on decentralized platforms as an integral, composable element of the Web3 ecosystem.

It also demonstrates how the transaction lifecycle can be tracked and co-ordinated by both parties:

  1. Commitment NFTs for Physical — sellers can create listings for physical items
  2. Minting NFT on commitment — Buyers can purchase items, which mints an NFT on commitment and payment
  3. Automated escrow — The lifecycle of these Commitment NFTs can be tracked by both buyer and seller, with each being incentivised to complete a successful redemption (payment being transferred and deposits being returned).

Coming soon — reference application and developer toolkit to deploy a decentralized commerce marketplace

The reference app is designed specifically so that developers wanting to build on Boson Protocol can now leverage the app as a tool to speed up their understanding of product functionality and implementation.

The reference app is also entirely open source and developed in a composable manner that makes it easier for anyone to build on top of the Protocol. It will be maintained and updated as additional dCommerce modules are designed, in order to ensure developers always have a great educational tool and it’s easy to build on top of the latest Protocol.

Over the next weeks a series of developer assets and reference applications will be released to enable developers to experiment with the Boson Protocol core contracts.

Stay tuned for more information.

About Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol is a foundational primitive which solves the digital to physical redemption problem to enable decentralized autonomous commerce. Boson disrupts closed ecommerce platforms with an open, tokenized economy of things, powered by DeFi and Web3 data.

About Boson Protocol

At Boson Protocol, we are creating a decentralized commerce ecosystem that everyone can use and anyone can trust.

Boson Protocol is a decentralized infrastructure for enabling autonomous commercial exchanges of anyThing, specifically off-chain items. Boson is a peer-to-peer system which replicates the benefits of a market intermediary, without the disbenefits of centralized systems.

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Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol enables an open tokenized economy for commerce by automating digital to physical redemptions using NFTs encoded with game theory.