Training Your Child to do a Chore in 5 Easy Steps

Susanna Colleen
4 min readJul 10, 2024


Your kids aren’t too little to do a good job!

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I’ve discovered a method that truly works when it comes to teaching your kids how to do chores effectively. It involves a gradual process that starts with guidance and ends with independence. By instilling the value of hard work and responsibility early on, children can develop essential life skills and a sense of accomplishment. But how exactly do you navigate through each stage to guarantee success? Well, it’s all about setting the right foundation and nurturing their growth along the way. Let’s explore this journey together.

Tell: Explain the task step-by-step

Let me break down the first step, which is to explain the task step-by-step to your kids when teaching them how to do a new chore. This is important because kids aren’t mind-readers. You can’t just expect them to magically know how to clean a toilet or fold laundry perfectly without proper guidance.

Take the time to sit down with them and walk through each detail. Explain why each step is important, not just how to do it. Make sure they understand the purpose behind the chore, so they’re more likely to take it seriously. Don’t assume they’ll figure it out on their own. Kids need clear instructions, especially when it comes to something as mundane as chores.

Show: Demonstrate the task while they watch

I’ll demonstrate how to properly clean a toilet while your child observes. It’s time to stop coddling our kids and start teaching them the value of hard work and responsibility.

Kids these days need to learn that chores aren’t just an option; they’re a necessity for building character and independence. So, when it comes to showing your child how to clean a toilet, don’t just tell them what to do, show them!

Let them watch as you scrub every nook and cranny, demonstrating the importance of thoroughness and attention to detail.

Do Together: Complete the task together with them.

As we move from demonstrating the task of cleaning a toilet to the next step, we’ll now tackle completing the chore together with your child. This is where the real magic happens, where the rubber meets the road. It’s not enough to just show and tell; we must get hands-on and engage together. This is where the bond is strengthened, where the understanding deepens, where the work ethic is instilled.

Completing the task side by side with your child isn’t just about getting the job done; it’s about teaching them the value of collaboration, of working together towards a common goal. It’s about fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility within the family. By doing it together, you show them that chores aren’t a punishment but a shared duty that benefits everyone.

Let Them Do It: Allow them to do the task

How can children be encouraged to take the initiative in completing tasks?

It’s simple: let them do it. Yes, you heard me right. Allow those little hands to get dirty, let them make mistakes, and watch them grow through the process. We often underestimate the capabilities of our children, thinking they can’t handle responsibilities. But how will they learn if we never give them the chance to try?

By stepping back and allowing our kids to take on tasks independently, we’re fostering their sense of responsibility and building their confidence.

Sure, they mightn’t do it perfectly the first time, but perfection isn’t the goal here. It’s about learning, growing, and gaining valuable life skills.

Independence: Let them do the task on their own

Encourage children to demonstrate their newfound skills by allowing them to independently complete tasks assigned to them. Independence is key in fostering a sense of responsibility and capability in kids. It’s time to let go of the reins and trust that they can handle the chores on their own.

Yes, they might make mistakes, but that’s how they learn and improve. Hovering over them constantly will only hinder their growth and confidence. Give them the space to shine and show what they’re capable of.

When you let them tackle tasks solo, you’re empowering them to take charge of their responsibilities. It’s about instilling a sense of pride in their work and teaching them the value of accountability. So, resist the urge to intervene at every step.

Let them navigate the chore independently, but be there to offer guidance and support when needed. Watching them flourish on their own is a rewarding experience for both you and your child. So, step back, observe, and witness the blossoming of their independence.

In a world where instant gratification and entitlement reign supreme, teaching kids to do chores well is a revolutionary act.

It’s not just about cleanliness or orderliness; it’s about instilling values of hard work, responsibility, and self-sufficiency.

By challenging them to step up, take charge, and contribute meaningfully to the household, we’re shaping future leaders who understand the importance of diligence, attention to detail, and the satisfaction of a job well done.

So, let’s raise a generation of capable, independent individuals who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and get things done.

If you want to read more parenting content, check out my other articles:



Susanna Colleen

Aiming for all things parenting to help you in your journey. Probably going to be some making money online, and reviews in the process.