Why Psychology Can’t Change Human Nature: Understanding the Limitations of Psychological Science

2 min readApr 12, 2023

Psychology is the study of human behavior and the underlying mental processes that drive it. It has contributed immensely to our understanding of how humans think, feel, and behave. However, psychology has its limitations, and one of the most significant is its inability to change human nature.

Human nature refers to the innate tendencies and characteristics that are present in all humans, regardless of cultural or social factors. These include things like the need for social interaction, the desire for self-preservation, and the drive to seek pleasure and avoid pain. These innate tendencies are deeply ingrained and cannot be changed through psychological intervention alone.

While psychology can help individuals identify and change harmful patterns of behavior, it cannot alter the underlying nature that drives these behaviors. For example, someone with a history of aggressive behavior can learn strategies to manage their anger, but their innate tendency towards aggression will still be present. Likewise, someone with a predisposition towards addiction may learn coping skills to avoid substance use, but their innate tendency towards addiction will remain.




Vegan, Nature explorer, chimney sweeper, hobby writer