Yuya and YukaThe story of a man searching for his daughter’s remains — The Days After 3.11-What should be left and built on this land once destroyed? For whom and for what should reconstruction be done?Jul 16Jul 16
Yuya and YukaJapan at the mercy of foreign tourism.we need to overcome the overtourism right now.Jul 10Jul 10
Yuya and YukaWhat do we exist for?Residents near the nuclear power plant were forced to leave their hometowns and live as evacuees for several years.Jun 4Jun 4
Yuya and YukaGratitude in Every Gesture: ”The Days After 3.11" Ayumi Tochimoto #5Tochimoto-san’s journey has been marked by numerous challenges, yet amidst it all, she remains deeply grateful for the unwavering support…May 311May 311
Yuya and YukaBuilding Home: “The Days After 3.11” Ayumi Tochimoto #4Tochimoto’s vision is clear: she aspires to cultivate a welcoming haven where all feel embraced with the comforting words, ‘I’m home.’ In…May 30May 30
Yuya and YukaRebuilding Hope: Finding Potential in a Post-Earthquake Environment “The Days After 3.11”Tochimoto-san fondly reminisces about her upbringing in Namie-machi, a once vibrant town that has now dwindled to just under 2,000…May 29May 29