June 29, 3rd edition: Disruptive to the bot — the one and biggest — botscamp.co

2 min readJun 27, 2017


Barcelona/Zurich, June 27, 2017.

In August 2016 the digital (health) expert Thomas Schulz ignites the botscamp — the first worldwide conference about bots, AI and machine learning. The goal is to create the one platform where everyone involved is able to present, collaborate and learn.

No ticket costs nor travel costs or travel time and even the replays are free. The botscamp works as a true online conference with a dramatic reduced CO2 footprint. That even weights much more when taken into account that the botscamp produces 4 editions a year. Swiss Made for the world.

Speakers do the 1-minute explainer, participants vote

Like in the botscamp conferences so far in December 2016, April and upcoming 3rd edition June 29, 2017 there are 14 presentations to be voted each time by the participants ie. the 24/7 botscamp community in Slack, so far more than 1100 experts, aficionados and interested people.

The botscamp is the lighthouse within the numerous conferences, meetups and events around the world as it is the pioneer who connects the bot knowledge to everyone regardless of the individual location.

100'000 people attached by partnering networks

digitalswitzerland, NEO network (student think tank of Swiss universities) Typeform, MOB Makers of Barcelona, eCommerce Lounge Germany, healthetia, XING Zurich, XING Health and many more — strong networks making the botscamp even bigger.

The outlooks for automated communication and business processes is inconceivably getting bigger every day. Due to the business focus of the botscamp team there is a keen interest for practice and presentations about offers, research or initiatives all the time. Every industry is invited to talk, share, expand.

The worldwide “botspot to be” just got bigger and astonishes with the full integration in Slack.

Thanks to the close development with the technical partner Eyeson the livestream is a pioneer act (“The-1-click-into-the-botspot-to-be”) as well — everything within Slack. Onboarding, community information and exchange, speaker management, livestream. Due to the promotional activities by bots in Twitter and Facebook there is a constant flow people reached and informed.

#bottish100 — Most influential people in AI, bots & machine learning

The social media network of bot influencers is on the rise too. With the #bottish100 from now a total of almost 2000 people this botscamp ranking provides the 100 most active every second week. Click for more.

Based on didactics and theories like Design Thinking or Nudge the botscamp provides a unique way of getting into the bot, AI and machine learning world as the collaborative knowledge gain platform to be.

More: http://www.botscamp.co/

Thomas Schulz, Founder, thomas@botscamp.co, +34 616 415 871
Maurice Codourey, PR & Media, maurice@botscamp.co, +41 76 320 70 74




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