What should Interior Designers know about Sustainability and Beauty?

4 min readJul 11, 2022


Consumers are paying more attention to sustainability in their homes these days, both for their health and to reduce environmental impacts. As public awareness of environmental issues grows, interior designers’ knowledge of sustainable home decor will become increasingly important. Designers must be able to comprehend and explain green products, how they’re made, and how they contribute to wellness clients. The more clients realist that beauty and sustainability go hand in hand in the home, the better off they — and the planet — will be. Continue reading to learn more about how sustainable products can help you create a beautiful, healthy, and happy home.

In the home decor industry, what is a “green” product?

What makes a product “green”? They’re usually low-energy, free of ozone-depleting chemicals, and made from recycled or sustainably sourced materials. It’s critical to realist that green products aren’t necessarily of lower quality. Quite often, the opposite is true. Steel, glass, and plastic are commonly used recycled materials in home design and can be refined to a luxurious, like-new quality.

While sustainable products may have a bad reputation for quality, once you understand the refinement and manufacturing process, these misconceptions are easily dispelled. Steel, for example, is one of the most recycled materials in the world, and for good reason. It can be produced to the same quality as brand new steel because it is 100 percent recyclable.

The Basic Oxygen Furnace method (BOF) is used to make new steel, which involves blowing oxygen into a converter containing liquid hot raw iron with high carbon content. CO2 emissions are high as a result of this process. Recycled steel, on the other hand, is made in an electric furnace that emits 85 percent less CO2 per tonne of steel on average, making it a much cleaner manufacturing process.

Another commonly recycled material used in home furnishings is glass. It has the quickest turnaround time of any recycled material, taking only 30 days to go from a recycling plant to a store shelf. Following the collection of recyclables, the glass is separated and sent to a glass processing center, where it is further separated from contaminants and sorted by colour. The glass is then broken down into a cutlet, a sand-like substance that can be blown into new glass products.

Glass recycling has numerous advantages: for every tonne of glass recycled, over a tonne of natural resources are saved from being used. The good news for manufacturers and buyers of home furnishings is that most glass can be recycled to 100% quality and purity standards.

What are the psychological advantages of purchasing green products?

Buying green has a positive psychological impact on design clients because it is perceived as moral behavior, which is linked to a positive self-image.

People who voluntarily did more environmentally friendly acts had higher positive self-image scores than those who did less, according to a study published in the scientific journal Environment, Development, and Sustainability.

According to the results of a Tiller LLC survey, there is a positive link between buying green and feeling good:

  • When it comes to global climate change, 62 percent of women are adamant about the need for change.
  • 87 percent of women want to do more to help the environment.
  • 53% of women feel guilty for not living a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Designers have a unique opportunity to make clients feel good about their choices and themselves when it comes to their homes. Hiring a designer to transform and customize their space is a form of self-care for clients, as it reduces stress and improves their health and well-being. Environmentally conscious interior design can ultimately improve your client’s self-esteem and confidence by creating a beautiful, functional space as well as the positive morale boost that comes with choosing green home decor products.

What are the positive psychological similarities between buying green and buying luxury items?

Buying luxury, like buying green, boosts people’s self-esteem. Luxury items are frequently purchased as a reward, and they are thought to be of higher quality and last longer. According to a 2018 survey, 83 percent of the U.S. market said that purchasing luxury goods made them feel happy and confident. The feel-good benefits for buyers are amplified even more when it comes to sustainable luxury products. When a luxury brand can make an environmental claim, it helps them maintain their status in the buyer’s mind while also creating a more positive product experience.

As luxury buyers increasingly seek green products, the luxury industry will expand to include more sustainable goods in the coming years. Telling the story of a luxurious and Eco-friendly lifestyle to your clients will become a necessary part of the design process for interior designers looking to create beautiful, sustainable spaces. The more you can tell your clients about an Eco-friendly company’s story and mission, as well as how the home goods are made, the more confident and satisfied they will be with your services.

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